Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friday August 3, 2012

We had the AC on last night and I really got a good night's sleep. Ms P also slept in until 0545. Today I did my calisthenics and then loaded the bike on the rack and headed to Riverside Park. I rode the bike to Rockford and back a distance of 23 miles. It took 2 hours. It is really hot and humid today. In fact I brought a clean shirt along with me so I could put it on before going to the Kava House. I was just starting lunch and watching some Olympics when our power went out. I turned off the AC and unplugged the computers. Nancy came home about 1330 and we decided to go to Costco. Ms P stayed home because it was too hot. I was surprised that Costco was not very crowded. The power was back on when we got home. The outside temperature was 94 at 1700. We had dinner at Russ'. I had the hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy. Nancy had a soup and salad. We are now watching the Olympics. I stayed up until 2100 watching the Olympics.

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