Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday August 12, 2012

Ms P and I went outside at 0500. Today is our swim day so the alarm was set for 0655. We got to the MAC early and surprise they let us in early. I swam 30 laps, 1500 yards. Usually I swim 66% freestyle and 33% breast stroke. Today I mixed it up doing 33% free, 33% back and 33% breast. Surprisingly my time did not change much, 45'. Nancy said our larder was full so we did not go to Meijer's today. I did fill the Taurus up in Eastown and gas was $3.999. I bought coffee for the two of us at the Kava House. I also took my empty Ball jar and got it filled with organic honey. What really is organic honey? Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I am not exaggerating about Nancy's scrambled eggs. They are really good. I took a quick nap and then spent some time gluing my carbon fiber canoe paddle back together. I used an epoxy glue. After my paddle chore was done I grabbed my 40# barbells and headed to Play it Again Sports. I exchanged the 40 pounders for 50 pounders. I took Ms P around the block and then walked to Gaslight Village to use the ATM. Tonight we are having hamburgers and corn on the cob. I will also have a glass of fiddlestick. On August 8, 1960 I wrote my mother from Putney, VT. I told Mom that I had 5 weeks of work left before heading back to school. I loved working on the traveling survey crew. I stayed in Putney over the weekend. On Sunday I took a walk towards the Connecticut River. I found a semi obscured monument. The monument read that "Old Fort Putney" was located at this spot. The fort was built in 1755. I also swam across the river to NH. I was reading "Dr Z" and it was so interesting that I thought I might take a Russian history class. My bank account was $25 overdrawn because the State no longer paid for Monday morning breakfast or Sat night dinner. We were working 6 days a week. I liked the weekend work because I made an extra $45 plus expenses. No work next Tuesday because it is a VT holiday. The holiday was called Bennington Battle Day. So it was 52 years ago.

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