Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday August 14, 2012

Tuesday morning and Ms P and I continue to have trouble waking. No rain today so I rode the bike to the MAC. Today is my tri day. In the pool I did my medley, back, breast and free. No butterfly that is too hard. Of course I ended up at the Kava House. I like Romney's choice for VP. The people will have a clear choice. Do we want the Fed controlling our life or do we want the individual to be more responsible for major decisions in their life. I did not get home until about 1330. I continue to clean my office and catch up on some projects I neglected over the summer. I cannot work in the office if the sun is shining. We had very few rainy days this summer. I got a nice email from my Cousin Bill Hughes' son. He said today would have been Bill's 87th birthday. He attached some great pictures. I am still trying to figure how to attach photos to this blog. At 1630 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Meijer Gardens. We are working at the Tuesday night concert. Tuesday concerts feature local talent and are free to members. Nancy worked in the ticket booth and I took tickets. We worked from 1700 to nearly 2000. After working we get to see the concert for free. Nancy had fixed a picnic and I bought a beer. We listened to the music until 2100. It was a beautiful evening for an outdoor concert. 1700 folks attended the concert.

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