Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wednesday August 1, 2012

It is hard to believe that it is the first of August already. We had a full moon last night and today is suppose to be sunny and warm. Aren't all summer days in MI sunny and warm? Today is my easy day so I had breakfast at Bill's. I had the $4.75 special that includes eggs, meat, potatoes and toast. It was very good. I took the time to read both the WSJ and DFP. After breakfast I stopped at the bank in Gas Light Village and then took a ride around Reeds Lake. The path around the lake was busy with walkers, runners and bikers. Linear Parks are great. When I got home I took out the lawn mower. I have been pouring the water to the lawn so the grass was fairly tall. It took over 3 hours to get all the lawn work done. Ms P insisted that I throw the ball while I was cutting. I nearly through my arm out. I was surprised that she wanted to go inside before I was done. I think the heat got to her. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they had 900 folks pass through during her 4 hour shift. This evening we are going to dinner at Nancy's friend Kathi's house. Kathi lives in one of the big house on Plymouth. It is a nice old, vintage 1920, home. Brick exterior and wood and tile interior floors. Kathi and I had grilled salmon and Nancy had grilled chicken breast. We also had a garden fresh salad. I drank a special beer from Trader Joe's. It was very good. We ate on her screened in porch. It was a pleasant evening for sitting outside. We got home at 2200 and went straight to bed.

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