Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Monday August 6, 2012

First wakeup call was at 0455 and the second was at 0715. I did the morning calisthenics and then loaded up the bike and headed to Riverside Park. I pedaled to Rockford and the ride was 23 miles and my time was 1h55'. I stopped at the Kava House for coffee. I did not finish the WSJ because my time expired on the parking meter. After a quick lunch I ran some errands. I stopped at Rylee's to purchase a pail to keep Ms Ps poop. I next headed to the bank to purchase some dollar coins. I use dollar coins for coffee and tips. My final stop was at GR Bike Company to look over the stock. Bill and Paul's is next door so I looked at their stock. I did see a nice solo canoe that I would like to buy but I don't think I can sell my kayak. I got home in time to see the end of the USA/Canada girls soccer game. It was a barn burner. Tomorrow is primary election day. Nancy and I will be glad when it is over because our phone has been ringing off the hook with all the canned political messages. We had a light dinner and then watched some of the Olympic coverage on TV. Nancy headed upstairs at 2100 but I stayed up until 2230. I have mentioned in other posts that I was on Midway during a launch of a Mercury space capsule. The capsule was recovered in the Pacific near Midway Island. My division was involved in the moving and loading of the capsule from the Navy vessel to a cargo plane. It was an exciting experience. The launch took place in October 1962. I hope to find the letter I wrote my mother describing the experience.

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