Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday August 19, 2012

Sunday morning and the alarm goes off at 0655. We get up and head for our Sunday swim. I swam my medley today, 1500 yards in 46'. It was a cool morning with temperatures in the high 50s. The sun was shining but rain is expected this afternoon. Gas was $3.88 today. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I took my afternoon nap. I walked Ms P around the block and noticed that rain clouds were fast approaching. I dropped Ms P off and then took a short walk so I could get my 30 in. I hope everyone is getting there 30' in each and every day. August 19, 1962: Ensign Scott's letter home to mother. I just googled August 19, 1962 and found it was also a Sunday. I think I was getting Rock Fever. Island living was getting to me. I had been on the 800 plus acres since the day after Thanksgiving 1961. My routine 6 days a week included the following: up at 0600, quarters at 0740, routine work until lunch and then my afternoon duties. We had free movies and on the Sunday I wrote home I had been to three the past week. Yesterday I attended a Saturday First Aid lecture for all Officers. After the lecture I inspected the Maintenance shops and wrote up several sailors for poor cleanup. I then played handball, went swimming and at 1800 took a nap and slept until 0200. I then got up did some exercises and read until 0400. From 0400 until 0700 I slept. I ran 1/2 hour on the beach and then had breakfast. At 0900 I played handball and then had another breakfast. I took a nap from 1100 to 1400. I woke up and went swimming for an hour. I read until 1730. I was reading a book called "Hawaii". At 1730 I had dinner and then went to a movie. After the movie I went to my office and wrote this letter to Mother. A day in the life of Ensign Scott, boring! Nancy cooked a steak for dinner tonight. We also had corn on the cob. We read the GRP and watched 60 Minutes before heading to bed.

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