Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday August 23, 2012

It is going to be another nice day, but hot. It was in the high 50s when I pedaled to the MAC but when I left at 1130 it was in the high 70s. It will top 87 today. I did not have time to read both the WSJ and GRP because at 1330 Nancy and I headed downtown to meet with our financial advisor. Bob and Nancy, I am happy to report, are above water. Nancy had a dentist appointment this afternoon so I dropped her off at the dentist and then did some banking. Nancy was done within 30 minutest. For dinner tonight we went to Great Lakes Shipping. It was too hot to eat outside. Tomorrow we are going to Chicago so we did spend some time packing. Nancy is using her new suitcase she received from Debbie for her birthday. Kim is picking up Ms P tomorrow morning. Nancy headed to bed at 2130 but I stayed up and watched some TV. I enjoyed NBC's show on the Mormon Church. I admire the Mormons I have known. Ms P and I just went out, 2230, and the temperature was 77 with a beautiful crescent moon.

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