Friday, April 1, 2011

Thursday March 31, 2011

Finally the last day of March. March has been very cold and we are looking forward to some warm weather. The last couple of mornings have been very cold but sunny. In the past week we have had over 90% of the available sunshine. Today I have no yard work scheduled so I kind of take it easy. I did not complete my routine at the MAC until 1100. It is very difficult to figure out what to wear on these sunny morning. I leave for the MAC and it is 25 and when I leave the MAC it is 39. I think I will start using a bigger back pack and add a sweater in the morning and put it in the backpack when I leave the MAC.

The City of Detroit is getting ready to bite the bullet as far as closing schools go. They have no money and now that they are below 750 thousand they are not eligible for some Federal Aid programs. This morning's DFP had an article about converting 45 schools to Charters. The Gov continues his fight to tax pensions but all the unions and senior organizations are saying he is picking on retired public employees. Why shouldn't a retired public engineer who has a super retirement package plus SS pay some State taxes while a young engineer making less than the retired engineer has to pay the taxes. What is fair?

When I got home from the Kava House Nancy left a tax form from her mother's estate. After lunch Ms P and I got in the C2 and delivered the form to our tax accountant. After this mission I took a short nap.

As usual Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. It was empty and we think it is because spring break is underway and folk have headed to warmer climes. We watched a little TV and we headed to bed at 2100.

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