Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Monday April 4, 2011

We had several loud thunder storms roll through last night. Of course Ms P went bonkers. Nancy wants to get her some pills. I said forget it. It was raining when we went outside at 0500. Ms P is a fair weather dog so she did not want to get wet. She postponed doing her bidness.

I checked the weather report while I was rowing and saw that the rain had moved through the area. That means I can ride my bike. Just in case it might rain I put my rain pants in a backpack. It did not rain but it was cool and very windy. I got to the Kava House at 1145. I read the WSJ and DFP.

I had a quick lunch and then took all the yard waste bags, 9, down to the curb. I also took two packages to the post office. After the post office I headed to Berger to get my oil changed. They recommend you get your car serviced every 4000 miles or three months whichever comes first. Three months won. I had less than 1,000 miles since the last change. When I was working I put an average of 500 miles per week on my car.

Before going upstairs to get caught up on my blogs I took Ms P around the block. Tonight is cereal night. I will read the GRP and then watch some TV. I don't think I can stay up to watch the BB game. I will be cheering for Butler. I did not go to bed until 2200 because I watched a rerun of the Civil War on PBS.

I did check my email and saw a high school had commented on my facebook page. I opened facebook and saw that it was a game. I opened the game and immediately regretted it. The game appeared to be like a chain letter connecting with my facebook friends. I don't like being tricked and since I seldom use facebook I deleted my account. So there I showed them.

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