Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday April 13, 2011

Wednesday morning and I have all day without any meetings. The monthly GRBA scheduled for today was cancelled. I pedaled to Bill's for breakfast and had their pancake special. After breakfast I gave Kim a lesson on our alarm system. I then got in the C2 and headed to the bank to get some cash. I stopped a Rylee's to get a bolt for my new portable work bench. Finally I stopped at Mr. Thang's to pick up some pants I had altered.

This afternoon for the first time since the accident I loaded up the kayak and headed to Reeds Lake. It was a beautiful day for a paddle. My shoulder felt fine and I paddled around the lake a distance of 3.35 miles. After the kayak trip I showered and then took a short nap.

Tonight is book club night and I am meeting Tom Moleski at Vitales for pizza. The pizza and beer were great. We got to watch the first period of the hickey playoffs. The Red Wings won. When I got home I took Ms P on a walk around the block.

Nancy got home about 2000. We watched a little TV and at 2100 headed to bed.

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