Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday April 22, 2011

73 years ago today I was born in Alpena, Michigan. It has been a great life. I have had ups and downs but the ups far outnumber the downs. I can remember a number of birthdays. I had a big party when I was about 4. I still have the pictures and the article in the Alpena News about the party. When I was eleven I had another big party and this was the year I got my Schwinn bike. I thought it was the greatest. Of course I remember my 21th. I stood on a table at the Pretzel Bell and chugged a mug of beer. Not my finest moment.

I remember in 1972 my birthday was on a Saturday and I had to work at the Kentwood dump setting stakes for a contractor who was going to start work on Monday. It was a cold miserable day but I was buoyed by the fact that tonight Nancy and the girls were taking me out to dinner. It was a special dinner.

In 1975 I ran in the Boston Marathon on April 21. We stayed at Nancy's sister Judy's home. That evening we had a birthday dinner that included lobster. Debbie and Missy were with us and my Mom and Dad were also there. It was a special occasion. It was also the bicentennial of the American Revolution so the girls attended some festivities in Lexington and Concord.

In 1978 the family put a big electric sign in our yard saying "Happy 40th Birthday Bob". In 2008 the family gave me a surprise 70th party at Meijer's Garden. This was a very special occasion and it is one of my fondest memories.

Today, 2011, it started out as a normal Friday. I pedaled to the MAC and did my thing. On my way to the Kava House I got a flat tire and had to walk the bike home. I did drive to the Kava House to read the WSJ. I took the bike into GR Bicycle Company to get my flat fixed. Nancy and I spent Friday evening at the GR Art Museum viewing the displays on the newly opened third floor. The GRAM served wine and cheese. It was a pleasant evening. I talked to the entire family today and I consider myself blessed to have such a great family.

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