Monday, April 25, 2011

April 24, 2011

Saturday morning and I am heading to Bill's on my AT with the new tire. I get 2.0 miles and the tire goes flat. I have to walk the bike to Bill's. After breakfast I walked home and got the C2 so I could bring my crippled bike home.

The sun was suppose to come out today but by 1400 it was still cloudy. I have to cut the grass today because my schedule might prevent me from cutting it for several weeks. About 1430 I say it is now or never so I fire up the mower and start mowing. I almost got the front yard done when Jim Borst our neighbor invited Nancy and I over for a party for their daughter Abby. Abby is headed to Panama on Tuesday to work for the Peace Corps. Nancy and I always like a party so we made a brief appearance. I sampled their beer and cookies. Both were great. I finished the lawn about 1830. Nancy got in the Taurus and headed to Russ's takeout to get us some soup and burgers. We watched a little TV and by 2100 were in bed. Old folks are very set in their ways.

Sunday and it is suppose to rain all day. It is also Easter Sunday. Nancy and I went swimming this morning and we both swam 45 minutes. We did not need any supplies for next week so we headed home after our swim. Nancy did fix her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read most of the paper and then took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I reviewed my absent-tee ballot. I voted as did Nancy. I took the ballots to the post office. Did you know that I have an almost 100% voting record. After mailing the ballots I rode the retro around Reeds Lake. The trail around Reeds Lake was jammed with walkers and bikers. It was cloudy but no rain this afternoon.

We had a light dinner and then watched 60 minutes. We channel surfed and at 2100 headed to bed. Sunday evening does not offer much on the TV.

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