Friday, April 8, 2011

Thursday April 8, 2011

I think Spring is finally arriving. When Ms P and I went out at 0500 it was very pleasant. The birds were singing with gusto. After my morning routine I got on the AT and pedaled to the MAC. Despite our warming trend I still wore my lined pants for the morning ride. The MAC was nearly empty. I did not get to the Kava House until 1130. Today's WSJ and DFP did not have much new news. I think they took the day off. I got home at 1300 and after a quick lunch I took Ms P on a walk around the block.

This afternoon I am taking the lawnmower blade to get sharpened. 1538 Friday: I took the blade in to get it sharpened. The Ada Bike Shop has purchased the Bike Repair and Mower shop. As I was waiting around waiting for my blade to get sharpened I found a Brooks leather bike seat. I had a Brooks many years ago and it was great once I got it broken in. I bought the seat. When I got home I put the mower blade back on and cleaned the underside of the mower. I also put on the new bike seat.

This evening Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. As always it was a good meal. We got home in time to watch the national news. I immediately fell asleep. About 2000 I walked Ms P around the block. I then went upstairs to watch the final episode of the Civil War. I turned in at 2230.

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