Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday April 20, 2011

Wednesday and today I have breakfast club. Ms P and I get up at 0540. It was raining when we went out to do our bidness. The program this morning at Breakfast Club continued on the Civil War theme. Today's speaker talked about the draft riots in MI and WI. It was very interesting. Today we had a good turnout. Many members are returning from FL and AZ. Speaking of returning snow birds this afternoon I am picking up my sister and brother in law. They are returning from 6 months in AZ.

This morning I called the Hotel in Edinburgh to find out about day trips to Loch Ness, etc. I was informed that they leave every day to many destinations. I also found out I can rent a car so Nancy and I can travel to Campbeltown. Campbeltown is 165 miles from Edinburgh.

At 1100 I got in the Taurus and headed to the MAC. I ran 1.5 miles and swam 1,000 yards. After the MAC I stopped at Fitzgerald's in Breton Village and purchased a spring jacket. I used a groupon coupon that Nancy had purchased for me. I put on my new jacket and headed to the cell phone lot at the airport. I got to the airport at 1430 and the plane was scheduled to arrive at 1520. I brought my Kindle and had planned to read the papers. However, I put the seat back and immediately fell asleep. The next thing I know my phone is ringing and my sister telling me she is waiting. I pick up Helen and Don and head back home.

Tonight we are all going to Rose's for dinner. Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. She arrives home at 1700 and we all pile in the Taurus and head to Rose's. Rose's was crowded. The food was very good. We got home at 2000 and talked a bit before everyone headed to bed at 2100. Tomorrow we have the big trip to Gaylord.

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