Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tuesday April 6, 2011

This is Breakfast Club morning. I got up before the alarm at 0545 and took Ms P outside. It was raining so she did her bidness in record time. It was pitch black on my drive downtown. This morning's program was about the start of the Civil War. It was 150 years ago this month that Ft Sumter was bombarded. The program included a history of the song the Battle Hymn of the Republic. A professional singer sang several Civil War songs. A member who is a retired history professor gave a presentation on a cavalry unit from West Michigan. The program ended with everyone singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It was a great program.

After breakfast I stopped at the Kava House to read the WSJ. The WSJ gave a lot of coverage to the budget showdown in Washington. All news organization are reporting on the Middle East but no one has any idea what the outcome will be. It is very confusing and complicated just another reason to stay out of other folks business.

This is spring break week so the Gardens has asked all volunteers to get a ride because they expect the parking lot to be crowded. In a few minutes I will drive Nancy. On a sad note I checked the Alpena News this morning and saw that Mary Joseph had passed away. Mary was 87 and for over 30 years she was a secretary at Scott Engineering in Alpena. She was a great worker and very pleasant person.

I drove Nancy to the Gardens. The management was right the parking lots were full despite the rain. After dropping Nancy off I headed to the MAC. I swam 1000 yards. Nancy's car needed servicing so I stopped at the Ford dealer. They changed the oil but informed me that they noticed a seal was leaking. I will bring the car in on Friday to get it replaced. Ford will not charge us for this work.

Ms P and I picked up Nancy at 1630. Nancy said they had 5,000 visitors today. On Tuesday they had 6,000 visitors which set a single day record. When we got home I walked Ms P around the block and then took a nap.

I had cereal for dinner and then watched the news. At 2000 I watched the Civil War series on PBS. I headed to bed at 2230.

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