Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday April 14, 2011

Normally around 0500 Ms P jumps on the bed and lets Nancy and I know it is time to go outside. This morning Ms P just sat at the foot of the bed and whimpered. I took her outside and could see that something was not right. She was very disoriented. I carried her upstairs. I had placed the electric blanket on top of our quilt on my side of the bed. Ms P immediately stretched out and tried to absorb all the heat. We knew something was wrong.

Nancy called the Vet and she made a 1340 appointment. It was raining when I headed to the MAC so I put on my rain suit. It was a very light rain. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House for my coffee and newspapers. I only had time for the WSJ. There were many stories on the President's speech yesterday. It all boils down to who do you believe, the President or the conservatives. The answer, of course, is somewhere in the middle.

When I got home I took Ms P out and she was really confused. I think she was in great pain. I ate a quick lunch and Ms P and I headed to the Vet. The Vet checked her over and said that she thinks Ms P had a joint flare-up. She was given a shot and we headed home.

Nancy got out a heating pad and wrapped a towel around it. She placed it on the floor and Ms P has spent most of the afternoon sleeping on the Pad.

Nancy and I will get a quick dinner at Great Lakes Shipping and then we will head to the GR Art Museum to see an exhibit on the bird paintings by John Audubon. It should be interesting. Before looking at the exhibit we listened to a lecture on J J Audubon life and times. It was very good and made the viewing more enjoyable. We got home about 2100. We carried Ms P upstairs and put her in her bed.

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