Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday April 8, 2011

Once again I had trouble sleeping last night. I came downstairs about 0130 and watched some TV. I did find out the UM made it to the finals of college hockey. Ms P and I headed out at 0510. I went back to bed and got up for good at 0645. I did my at home routine and then got in the Taurus and headed to the Ford garage. Today they are replacing a seal. Nancy for the first time drove my C2 to the MAC. After I dropped the Taurus off I walked to the MAC a distance of about 2.7 miles. It was raining but I wore my rain coat so I was ok. After I completed my MAC routine I saw that Nancy was just finishing a class. I told her to wait for me and she could drive me to the Ford garage to pick up the car. There was not charge for replacing the seal.

I drove the C2 back home while Nancy headed to the hospital. I picked up a package to be mailed and then headed to the Kava House. I mailed the package. I got home about 1300 and after a quick lunch I took a nap. After the nap I took Ms P around the block.

Nancy and I drove to Holland for dinner tonight. We ate at the 8th Street Grille. We visited several stores in downtown Holland. No purchases were made. The sun came out on our drive to Holland. The temperature was 56. It really is Spring.

When we got home we read the GRP and watched some TV. Actually I fell asleep and when I woke I took Ms P on another walk around the block. Our video camera is not working on the Apple so we cannot Skype. Nancy will call the Apple folks tomorrow. It is now 2200 and I am heading to bed.

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