Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday April 17, 2011

After breakfast I ran several errands. I stopped at the post office to mail a birthday card to Ed Namey. Then I had to stop at Rylee's to get some parts for my super duper new kayak rack. I then stopped at the office. Ryan was working so we spent some time talking. I had to pick up the new cell phones for Nancy and me. Apparently the company is switching from Verizon to AT&T. I also brought home some of my personnel stuff. The company has removed most of my pictures and certificates from the walls. Life goes on, as it should.

After a quick lunch I spent some time in the garage working on my bike and kayak rack. I assembled my prototype kayak rack and it seems to work fine. I finished the afternoon with a 3.3 mile walk. I showered and shaved and got dressed for the evening.

At 1700 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Hal and Karen Horling's home to attend Karen's 70th birthday party. There were 20 folks in attendance. We had a sit down dinner that was catered. The cooks prepared the 5 course dinner in the Horling's kitchen. It was fun to watch. They had a crew of 3 cooks. All five courses were great. It was a very special birthday party and Nancy and I got to meet Hal Horling's family. Karen's children Chris and Sarah did most of the work. It was a great evening and one I am sure that Karen will remember. We got home at 2300 and headed right to bed.

Sunday April 17, 2011: Today is a big birthday day in the Scott family. Alessandra is two years old today. My Dad would have been 105 today. Sunday is our swimming day and today was no exception. We had the MAC pool to ourselves this morning. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.99.9. We did not purchase much this week because Nancy and I will be eating out a lot. When we got home Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I also took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I delivered the OHNA newsletter around our block.

Yesterday it was rainy and windy. Today it is not raining but it is really windy. The temperature says it is 44 but the wind chill has to be 34.

I think it is neat the Alessandra and Dad have a birthday on the same day. It kind of adds permanence to the Scott family. The genes move on and I think it is great. God bless you Alessandra.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to the Moleski's for a kielbasa dinner. Like I need another high calorie dinner. There were 6 folks at dinner. In addition to kielbasa we had ham. It was a great dinner. Nancy and I got home at 2100 and went right to bed.

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