Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday April 3, 2011

First weekend in April:

Saturday is sin day. No exercise, no diet and eat all the good stuff. We started the day at Dunkin Donuts. We bought coffee and sugar coated donuts. It was great. We are heading to the Detroit area to visit the Ikea and Trader Joe stores. It is the start of Spring Break so this is Bob and Nancy's Spring Break. Of course Ms P went along.

We had a list of items we wanted at Ikea and we bought them. They included a bath mat, waste basket and beer mug. I had an ice cream cone. At Trader Joe's we got soup, 2 buck chuck ( 4 bottles), ginger snaps and several other small items I can't remember. We opened a box of cookies and ate them on the way home. We also finished a bag of caramel corn.

Our last stop was a discount mall located on I 96 near Howell. I visited several stores but found nothing I wanted to buy. Nancy made several small purchases. It was a rainy day with the sun coming out for brief periods. The temperature really dropped in the late afternoon. We got almost home when I told Nancy that she had to drive. I could not keep my eyes open. We switched and I fell asleep immediately. We got home about 1630. I headed upstairs and slept to 1730. We stayed home last night and watched some TV and read the GRP. At 2100 we headed upstairs.

Sunday and today we are back to normal. We get to the MAC at 0800 and were in the pool 5 minutes later. I swam 1500 yards in 46 minutes. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.65. Our gas mileage yesterday was 28 mpg. The Taurus is great on the freeway. I also brought back $5.10 worth of bottles. It was snowing when we left Meijer's.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. Tonight she is fixing beans and rice. Don't I have it great. I did take my Sunday afternoon nap. We had thunder storms and hail roll through this afternoon. Of course Ms P went bonkers. We watched 60 minutes and I watched an hour of Ken Burn's Civil War on PBS. It was very good. I headed to bed at 2200.

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