Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thursday April 21, 2011

Today is a travel day. I am taking Helen and Don back to Gaylord. We all get up at 0700 and have a quick breakfast. We start for Gaylord about 0830. Don and I get a coffee at the Kava House before hitting the road. The sun was out today and it made the drive very pleasant. We did not encounter any snow until we got to Cadillac which is 100 miles north of GR. There were no brown spots the entire ground was covered with snow. The main roads were dry and clear but the grassed areas were snow covered.

We got to Gaylord about 1130. We unloaded the car and then I waited while Helen and Don checked out the house. Everything was working. Helen started her car and it fired right up. I thought that was pretty good seeing that the car had sat since last November. I left for GR about 1200 and got home about 1530.

April 21 is my cousin Betty's birthday. She is a year and a day older than I am. Betty now lives in FL. Happy birthday cousin.

When I got home I took a short nap. Nancy had to work at the Garden's so I had cereal for dinner. I read the GRP and watched the news. Nancy got home at 2000 and we both watched CSI.

It was a busy day but I enjoyed the ride to Gaylord. When working I travelled a lot around the State. I enjoyed visiting the County Road Commissions and local units that we worked for. That said I would not want to go back to work.

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