Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday April 12, 2011

Tuesday morning and we are scheduled to have another sunny Spring day. It was in the 30s when I headed to the MAC. It is now 1742 and the temperature is 60. My morning routine went as planned and I am really happy that my shoulder is now performing at 100%. I did stop at the Kava House to read the WSJ and DFP. The DFP had an article on Rep Conyers wife wanting to have a judge let her out of prison. She did not get much support from the DFP.

The WSJ had several articles on the drought in the west and southwest. They are predicting that the wheat crop will be greatly reduced. Does this mean that inflation will increase? The Feds think they have inflation in check and do not plan to raise interest rates. Of course the low interest rates are not helping folks who have CD's and money market funds. European countries think the USA is wrong and they had increased their interest rates. Who know?

After lunch Nancy and I sat down and paid our taxes. This is not a pleasant chore. I went to the USPO and mailed our returns. To cheer myself up I stopped at Bill and Paul's to look at their supply of kayaks. They had one that I really liked. I did not buy it.

Ms P and I walked over to Don Pearson's home to deliver some OHNA material. Even though Nancy is no longer treasurer she still gets material in the mail. Nancy has to work at the Gardens tonight so I am on my own for dinner. After dinner I watched the news until 1900 and then Ms P and I walked around the block. It was still warm and the sun does not go down until 2020. Finally our average low temperature is now 35.

I watched NCIS. Nancy got home at 2100. We picked up the back room and the upstairs because Kim comes tomorrow.

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