Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday April 15, 2011

The wind started howling after midnight. At 0500 I got up but Ms P did not want to go outside. The morning weather report said the wind would be howling all day so that even though the temps were in the 40s, wind chill would be in the 30s. I layered up and started to the MAC. The wind was blowing from the East so I had a hard time pedaling to the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House and it was great having the wind at my back.

I read both the WSJ and DFP. The Detroit Public School sent layoff notices to all its teachers. The emergency said that he now has authority to cancel all union contracts. He just might do it because the school system has not money. The City of Detroit also has major money problems because according to the 2010 census the city has a population less than 750,000. I guess many Fed and State programs are only eligible to cities with populations over 750k. At least the Red Wings are winning.

When I got home Nancy said that Ms P was feeling better. She turned on the heating pad and the dog took an hour nap on the pad. Earlier Nancy and I had given Ms P some anti inflammatory medicine.

Yesterday Ms P and I visited her vet. The Vet is very nice and specializes in small animals. My early experience with Vets was at my grandfather's farm. The Vets were large animal vets and were called on to service the beef cattle. I met any Army vet on the plane ride to Viet Nam. I jokingly stated that I thought the Army got rid of their mules in the early 30s. The Army Vet informed me that the Army had a lot of vets and that they were used for meat inspections at overseas military installations. I guess he told me.

Meanwhile, after a quick lunch we all got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. They had a lot of samples out. Our next stop was Target to buy some special cereal for my sister who will pick it up next week. Our last stop was the dry cleaners. All this shopping made me sleepy so I took a short nap. Since we have been out two evenings this week and are going out Sat and Sun tonight we are staying home. I will have some tamales that we bought at Trader Joe's and Nancy will have a TV dinner. Heavy showers are expected to start by 1900.

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