Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday December 8, 2010

Ms P and I followed our normal early morning routine and then back to bed. The next thing I remember is Nancy giving me a kiss as she was heading out the door. It was almost 0730. Today is my easy day so I got on the retro and pedaled to Bill's for breakfast. I had their "Super Special". Today was another cold day with the temperature in the 20s all day. After eating and reading the DFP and WSJ I got on the retro and pedaled to the 53rd bank in Gaslight Village. When I got home I headed upstairs so I would be out of Kim's way. Kim is cleaning the house.

Steve called this morning and we talked. He has some vacation days to use so he was home with two sick kids. I guess the kids are getting over their colds. I asked Steve if he had his tickets to the Rose Bowl. He said not yet.
I finished writing checks and then got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I swam 30 minutes today.

This afternoon I have a 1400 GRBA meeting. On my way to the meeting I stop at the Lake Drive post office to mail our checks. Today's GRBA meeting is being held at 1120 Monroe. This building was recently rehabilitated. It was purchased by the city and now houses several community services offices on the third floor. The city has rented out the second and first floors. We got a tour of the building.

After the meeting I stopped by the office to give our contribution to the "Adopt a Family" fund. I got the opportunity to talk to the guys and gals. The crew was decorating a Christmas tree. Everyone was in good spirits. One thing I miss about retirement is the interaction with bright young folks. I am sure production rapidly improved once I left. It is great to see that everyone is busy.

Today Nancy's Book Club is having their Christmas party. Spouses are invited. We arrived at Judith's condo at 1800. There were 11 folks at the party. The food and drinks were great. Like most small parties the men and women separated into groups and discussed the issues of the day. No issues were resolved. We got home at 2130 and headed upstairs to bed. It was another nice day.

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