Friday, December 3, 2010

Thursday December 2, 2010

When Ms P and I got up at 0500 I shoveled the steep part of the hill. When I went back to bed I set the alarm for 0646 because I have a 1020 Doctor appointment. I got up with the alarm and Nancy and I finished shoveling. I drove to the MAC and did my full routine. After the MAC I drove to the Doctor's office. Today I am visiting my ear doctor. He cleaned my left ear and gave me a prescription for some drops that should prevent the skin in my ear from drying out and scaling.

I stopped by the Kava House and read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP this morning was almost giddy with optimism for the Detroit area. Employment is up and car sales are booming. However, the big question among my friends is what will the UM AD do about Rich Rod.

I had a quick lunch and then shoveled the walk and delivered a check from the OHNA to the newsletter publisher. I also took a 1.5 mile walk. Nancy was briefing the new OHNA treasurer when I got home. I took Ms P up stairs and we took a nap together. I spent several hours in my office checking my finances. It is now 1743 and in 30 minutes Nancy and I must get ready to go to a function at the Gardens.

The gala at the Gardens was great. The invitation said black tie optional but the majority of men were in suits. For food we had a choice of Asian, Greek, Mexican and traditional. Drinks were free and I drank several Bell's Winter White Ale. I really like this beer. Nancy and I walked around and looked at all Christmas displays from around the world. They Gardens had all their trees decorated with fancy lights. It was a fun evening.

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