Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday December 4, 2010

I got up at 0500 and performed my early morning routine. I set the alarm for 0630 because Nancy has a early morning class at the MAC. This being Saturday I headed to Bill's for breakfast. The roads are still not clear so I walked. It is about 2.3 miles to Bill's. I had their special and read both the DFP and WSJ.

After Breakfast I walked Ms P around the block. After our walk we got in the C2 and headed to Meijer's so I could pick up a prescription. The Kzoo/28st Meijer's, known as the 3rd world Meijer's, was jammed. When I got home I dropped Ms P off and then made a deposit at the bank and stopped by the Kava House to get Nancy a coffee.

I spent the afternoon in the office, reading catalogs and deciding what donations to make to various non profits this year. I tried to order some warm River Driver shirts from LL Bean but they were totally out.

I spent hours last winter putting the family tree on a piece of software called My Heritage. I found out after completing most of the work that the software company is located in London, England. I hope to spend some time this winter polishing the family tree. I want to put photographs of family members in the document. I found an email address and asked for a phone number so I can talk to a real person. Old folks need to have their computer questions answered by real people.

I really like my Apple itouch. I now have itunes on my computer and the nicest feature is the shuffle. I have 700 tunes and the shuffle really does mix up the tunes. I am now listening to a Irish folk tune. Previously I listened to Merl Haggard, Burl Ives, Glen Miller and Pete Fountain. Electronic toys are great.

It is now 1600 and I am getting restless. I will take a break and get in a 2.25 mile walk. After the walk Nancy and I headed to Russ's for dinner. The place was crowded. The median age was 76. We watched a little TV and then at 2100 headed to bed.

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