Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday December 6, 2010

Last night the TV was full of Lake Effect snow warnings. The lake effect snow did not reach GR because when Ms P and I went out at 0500 the drive was bone dry. I got up for good at 0655 and dressed in layers because the temperature is going to be in the 20s all day. I got out the retro and pedaled to the MAC. I dressed properly because I did not notice the cold. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I only read the DFP because I have several errands to run this afternoon.

I had a quick lunch and then loaded up the Christmas packages that are going to CA. I was surprised that the post office was empty. Normally you have to wait in line this time of year. After the post office I headed to the Ford dealer to get the Taurus serviced. The Ford dealer was not busy. I just got settled in to read the WSJ when they told me the car was finished. Bummer!

I stopped at the Kentwood bike shop to get some valve caps and check out speedometers. I also stopped at Gander Mountain to see if they had any warm underwear tops. They did not have anything that I would buy.

When I got home I hooked the wreath to Opa's wreath holder. It works slick. Ms P and I took a walk around the block. It is 0.4 miles around the block. I also took a 1.95 mile walk. I wore my gps and I am happy to announce that my average time was 15'53" per mile. This is a pb and I am now setting a goal of 15'.

Tonight was cereal night. After dinner we watched the news and a rerun CSI on cable. We headed to bed at 2100.

Useless weather information. Hours of daylight GR = 9h09'; Moscow, Russia = 7h14'. I got my 30 in, did you?

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