Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday December 17, 2010

Ms P and I went out at 0510. It was not very cold about 27⁰. I got up for real at 0700. My walk to the MAC was uneventful. I did wish Kelley the crossing guard for IHM, Merry Christmas. Kelley is 83 years old and he is at Plymouth/Griggs every school day. After the workout I walked over to D&W's Starbucks for coffee. This morning's DFP continued articles on the ex mayors transgressions. It appears that his honor who is now in jail had a court appointed lawyer. We are providing legal help to a man who stole millions from taxpayers. His father is also being given a court appointed layer. Representative Conyers' wife was also given a court appointed attorney. Why can't the good congressman provide for his wife.

The corruption continues. The Detroit Water and Sewer System serves the greater Detroit area. The system is owned by Detroit but the majority of users live outside Detroit. Because of failure to comply with Federal Environmental regulations the System was put under Federal control many years ago. A Federal judge was suppose to manage the system. The good judge who just resigned at age 93 hired consultants to help him oversee the system. These consultants were paid handsomely. The ex-mayor and his buddies stole millions from the system. The DFP this morning asked where was the Federal oversight? Once again an example of Federal government incompetence. The suburbs are up in arms. The only solution is to create a regional authority.

On a happier note on this day, Friday, in 1962 I took the log flight from Midway Island to Pearl Harbor. After 1 year, 2 weeks, three days and 13 hours I was leaving Midway and heading to Alpena for a two week leave. Once the flight was airborne I pinched myself to determine if I was dreaming. An old Navy officer who sat across from me started to laugh and said yes it is real, we are leaving the island. I arrived in Alpena on Sunday morning. It was 70⁰ when I left Midway and below zero when I arrived in Alpena. I had two good weeks at home and then in early January I headed to San Diego for about 3 weeks of training before leaving for Vietnam.

Today, I got home about 1300 and after a quick lunch I got in the C2 and headed downtown. I had to pick up my contacts. I also stopped at the watch shop on Monroe Center to get a new battery and strap for my sports watch. When I got home I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Olga's in Gaslight Village for dinner.

We both had Olga's peasant soup for dinner. Everyone should try the peasant soup. At home we watched a little TV and at 2100 we came upstairs.

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