Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday December 21, 2010

Happy Solstice and remember the days are getting longer. Ms P must know something is up because she has been very antsy. We went outside at 0415 this morning to do her bidness. It was too cloudy to see the lunar eclipse. We were suppose to get 3" of snow overnight but it had not started at 0415. I went back to bed and did not get up until 0730. I walked to the MAC this morning. On my walk I decided that I would do my normal exercises at 50% this morning.

As I was strapping into the rowing machine I noticed a very tall young lady on the next machine. She and I started at the same time. I could tell that she had rowed before. Her stroke was very smooth and powerful. I glanced over and saw that on her monitor that the was rowing 02'02" per 500 meters I was rowing 02'26". In the standard 2,000 meter race she would finish in 08'08". I would finish in 09'44". I found out she was on the UM crew team and was a freshman. She is also in the engineering school. Another Go Blu moment at the MAC.

I completed my exercises and walked over to the Starbucks at D&W and read the DFP and WSJ. I got home about 1300 and had a quick lunch. Nancy had packed Ms P's suitcase and Ms P knew that something was up.

After lunch I headed upstairs to finish packing and continue reading some magazines. Kim came about 1430 and picked up Ms P. She was excited to go. I was disappointed. Nancy said her car was dirty so I took it to the Breton Village car wash. It does look great now. Tonight we are going out to eat. The place at this time 1627 has not been determined. The winner is Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we watched TV until 2000 and then headed to bed.

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