Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday December 11, 2010

When Ms P and I went out at 0500 the temperature was above freezing. Since the temperature was above freezing I decided to ride my bike to Bill's. The economy must be improving because when I left Bill's every booth was filled. On my way home I pedaled to Gaslight Village to use the ATM at 53rd.

The birds are now starting to use our feeder so this morning I had to fill it up. We are expecting a big storm this evening. I hope to get my walk in before it starts snowing and blowing.

The big news in today's DFP was about the "Big Chill" hockey game at the "Big House". They hope to have over 100,000 at today's game despite the prediction of bad weather. Speaking of hockey it is nice to see the Original Six still having games. The Red Wings and Canadians just finished a home and home series.

The WSJ had an article about what Madoff's family and other folks involved with Bernie the Crook. I read the entire story and found it very interesting. When I got home I called up the "Daily Beast" on my computer and saw a story about Madoff's son just hanging himself. Missy also sent me some links on this story. Missy also sent us two Christmas card type photos of AJ. They were very cute.

Veronica just called and gave us an update on the Scott Team. Later Lucas called and talked with his grandparents. I finished our annual giving campaign and then walked to the post office to mail the checks.

I did watch part of the "Big Chill" game. It was fun to see over 100,000 folks watching a college hockey game. Around 1700 Nancy and I headed upstairs to get ready to go to the Namey's for dinner.

The dinner party was great. There were 8 people at the party. Mary had a pasta bar. We also had salad and a great dessert. Like most old folks parties we drank some and talked more. The party broke up at 2130. It was raining when we headed home.

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