Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday December 5, 2010

Sunday morning and I woke up at 0500 and Ms P and I preformed our chores and went back to bed. The alarm went off at 0645. We headed to the MAC for our swim. Nancy and I both swam 45 minutes. I am really liking the progress my shoulder has made since I started swimming. On Friday I did 15 pushups.

At Meijer's I filled the Taurus up. Gas was $3.01 per gallon. When we got home I got out the step ladder and got down a wreath holder that was made by Opa. I also took my At bike down the basement. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read several sections of the paper and then took a nap.

After the nap I took the lights off the AT and put them on the retro. I think I will use the retro during winter months. It is smaller and easier to handle. Also the wide tires only carry 40pi which makes driving in snow easier.

I capped off the afternoon by going on a 3.25 mile walk. I wore my gps and made an effort to walk fast. My average time was 16'45" per mile. This is my fastest walking time. I have a ways to go because Debbie can walk at a less than 14' pace.

For dinner Nancy made a crab salad. It was great. We also had tomato soup. I watched 60 minutes and finished the GRP. At 2030 we headed to bed. It is now 2117 and I will take Ms P out and then head to bed.

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