Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saturday December 18, 2010

Ms P and I are up at 0500. We do our chores go back to bed and get up with the alarm at 0630. This is the time Nancy has set so she can get to her early morning class at the MAC. I bundle up and head for Bill's for breakfast. I have pancake and eggs. I spend some time reading the DFP and WSJ. The DFP is still writing about the indictment of the ex-mayor, his father and cronies. It actually is good reporting.

On my walk home from Bill's it starts to snow and by the time I get home we have a thin dusting covering all hard surfaces. I take Ms P on a walk around the block. It is cold so she does not dilly-dally.

This is the type of day I have been dreaming about. It is dark, cold and snowing so I stay inside and catch up on my reading. Missy skyped us early today. I then got a phone call from Steve. We talked for about 35 minutes. Nancy was taking a nap when Steve called. She had some nerve pain in her foot last night so she did not sleep well. She was catching up by taking a nap. Ms P and I tried not to disturb her.

Later I called Debbie. She was working again on a Saturday. Debbie said they have had a lot of rain. I did catch up on some reading. I also read my mail and email and checked out my facebook. I do not use my facebook too much anymore. However, I did find an old high school classmate wanting to be my friend. I made him my friend and responded . The facebook format I think has changed. I clicked on a tab and I got a lot of photos of friends of friends. I only have about nine friends but must have 70 photos. It is confusing.

It was a dark gloomy day and every time I looked out the window I was glad I was inside my office. About 1500 I took a nap and after the nap I did go outside to shovel the walk. Nancy had already shoveled the top section of the drive. It only took about 20 minutes to finish the rest of the drive and walks. When I came inside Nancy was receiving a skype from the Scott Team. We had the opportunity to see Lucas and Alessandra.

For dinner tonight we went to the Brandywine. Nancy had the ham-d-scram and I had a club sandwich. We both brought some home. We watched a little TV and at 2100 headed upstairs.

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