Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monday December 20, 2010

It is almost getting boring but I followed my normal week day routine, except for Wednesday. it was 27⁰ when I left on my walk to the MAC. I wore a lighter coat but still worked up a sweat. I will have to take a clean undershirt in my back pack so I don't get into a wet undershirt after my shower. On my walk I passed by a young man talking on a cell phone in his driveway. I thought the voice was familiar and it was. The voice belonged to young Tom Pritz. Tom lived across the street from us during his high school days. Tom now lives in Abilene, TX and was just home visiting his father. We talked for a while and he seems in good health and spirit. He now has two kids in college. I remember Steve going over to the Pritz house after they had a big party in their huge side yard and picking up empty beer cans. Time does fly.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block and then settled in for an afternoon of catching up on my magazine reading. I think I accomplished a lot. It is now 2034 and I just completed packing for our trip.

Tomorrow is the winter solstice and tonight is a lunar eclipse. We are also suppose to get 3 inches of snow over night. Reeds Lake is now completely iced over. I saw several fish shanties on the lake and a number of folks ice skating. Winter has settled in until St Patrick's Day. St Patrick's Day is my official end of winter.

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