Saturday, December 11, 2010

Friday December 10, 2010

About 0230 Ms P started barking and she headed downstairs. I also thought I heard a noise so I headed downstairs to check. I looked out the window and saw a snow plow working on the drive across the street. When Ms P and I went out at 0500 we had about 1 inch of snow on the ground. When I went back to bed I set the alarm for 0645. Nancy and I got up with the alarm and headed outside to shovel. The snow was light so we finished in good time.

I did not want to ride my bike in the snow so I walked to the MAC. After my MAC routine in walked to the Kava House. Today my walk/run total equaled 8 miles. I did not get home until 1315. I had a quick lunch and then headed downtown to pick up a new pair of glasses. I checked my email and found that I had a message from my friend Tom Mayan in Merrill. Tom's grandson made All State as a wide receiver for the Merrill Vandals. Tom enclosed a You Tube clip showing his grandson in action. He is a good football player.

I took a short nap and now Nancy and I must decide where we are going for dinner. I am going to vote for Olga's Kitchen. I lost we went to Panera Bread. After dinner we stopped at ABC Warehouse, PetSmart and Macy's. We got home about 1930. We watched TV until 2100 and then went to bed.

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