Saturday, January 30, 2021

January 29, 2021

 Friday January 29, 2021

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Up at 0630.  Calisthenics, dressed and drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  At home fixed oatmeal with banana to eat with my bagel.

It was 10 degrees early this morning.  Too cold to ride my bike.  I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics, mile walk and 5 miles on stationary bike.

At home showered and then errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to replenish my $2 bill supply.  Got my car washed and filled up.  Stopped at Chow Hound to buy bird seed and finally at D&W bought 1/2# of coleslaw for dinner tonight.

Quick lunch and then headed downstairs to do some reading.  Will also pay bills.

The Coronavirus is causing major problems in the EU.  On a per  capita basis the EU’s record of getting folks their vaccine is poor compared to the USA and UK.  

I hope the USA has plans to hold China in check.  China seems very aggressive towards Taiwan.  They think the rest of the world is distracted by problems with the virus.  Protecting Taiwan is in our national interest.

I really can’t figure the Game Stop stock controversy.  Don’t  understand shorts and longs.  I do know that my daughters are glad to see the small investor sticking it to the big hedge funds.  Are there any winners?

After I paid some bills I took time to walk to the mail box.  I finished the afternoon sitting in my recliner reading the WSJ.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup and a hot dog.  We also had rolls with coleslaw.

After the news we watched an episode of Bridgerton.  I think the show has become a chick flick.  Nancy loves it.

After Nancy headed to bed I stayed up and finished reading the WSJ.  It was clear and cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  

Today we FaceTimed Missy and later we were on a three way FaceTime with Debbie and Alessandra.  FaceTime is the great family connector.

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