Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 23, 2021

 Saturday January 23, 2021

Blog time 1525 sitting in office

Up at 0700 this morning.  Checked the temperature and it was 13 with a wind chill in single digits.  BRR!

First thing, I did all my calisthenics at 50%.  Quick shave and then drove to Panera in bright sun for coffee, bagel and oatmeal.  No line today at the Drive Thru.

It was a beautiful winter’s day.  Cold but sunny.  Nancy bundled up and took a 3.25 mile walk.

I ran some errands.  At Macatawa Bank I replenished my stock pile of $2 bills.  Next I stopped at Chow Hound.  Bought a 35# bag of corn and a new  bird feeder.  I was going to get the Fusion washed but the line was too long.

At home I bundled up and took a 2 mile walk.  Beautiful day for a walk.  Today Nancy wins!  3.25 vs 2.

Lunch and then returned to office.  Spent time writing blog and reading the news.

This and that:

China seems to be taking advantage of the USA being distracted by the Coronavirus and our National political problems.  I sure hope President Biden turns his attention to foreign policy soon.  

Getting the vaccine to folks is not a problem unique to the USA. EU countries face similar problems.  I think Democracies which allow a lot of personal freedoms have problems dictating to their citizens.  No one likes being told what to do by politicians.

I am a recent subscriber to the Detroit News.  I like their coverage of sports and Michigan news.  It put the GRP to shame.

I sure don't agree with some colleges trying to censure or eliminate discussions on what old folks like me consider classics.  What is wrong with reading "Huck Finn" as it was written.  In fact several years ago "Huck Finn" was considered an American classic.  I reread it along with "Grapes of Wrath".

Along the same line several English Universities have taken Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales"  off their reading list.  Will things ever return to what I call normal?

I finished the afternoon with a short nap.  Tonight Nancy fixed tamales.  I also had fresh fruit and half a blueberry muffin.

We watched the news during dinner and then we switched to Apple TV.  The first show we watched was Bridgerton.

After Bridgerton we switched to A+ and watched an episode of Ted Lasso.  I like this show and give it an A.

Debbie and Missy called tonight.  CA is finally getting much needed rain.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  It was starting to snow.  Several inches of snow predicted by the time the snow ends tomorrow afternoon.    


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