Saturday, January 16, 2021

January 15, 2021

 Friday January 15, 2021

Blog time Saturday 1200 sitting in office.

Today is Debbie Scott’s birthday.  Happy Birthday Debbie.

I remember Debbies birthday clearly.  It was a Friday and Nancy called me at the office to say the Doctor recommend she head to the hospital.  Nancy and I headed to Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, Ca.  Nancy was admitted and then I headed to an all night grocery to cash a $100 check.  We had no insurance so we had to pay cash.  Yes folks only $100 for the delivery and hospital fee.  Things were different in 1966, thank God.  Debbie was born on Saturday January 15.  

I don’t know if it is ironic but Debbie spent most of her life in Mi and now lives in San Jose, Ca less than an hour from where she was born. She still considers herself a Midwesterner.

Today I got up at 0645.  At home calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  For breakfast I fixed oatmeal to go with the coffee and bagel from Panera.

This morning we had a rain/snow mix.  No bike today.  At the Y I did calisthenics and a mile walk.  Also rowed 1,000 meters on the Y’s rowing machine.  Rowing is a great aerobic exercise.  My watch’s rowing app said my average heart rate was 145.  

At home showered, dressed and rain several errand.  First stop was Cleaners to pick up shirts.  Also used Meijer’s Pharmacy drive thru to pick up my nose spray.

Lunch followed by some reading.  This afternoon I get my first Coronavirus vaccine shot.  It is scheduled for 1545.

We left home at 1430.  We have heard horror stories about long lines trying to get into the parking lot.  However, yesterday when Nancy got her shot we had no wait.  The same for today.  We had to wait in our car for an hour.  I was glad Nancy accompanied me because I dozed off waiting in the car.  

At one minute before my time I walked into the inoculation center and followed the arrows and answered the questions of the nice ladies directing me.  The shot was fast and painless.

After the shot I had to wait 15 minutes before heading to the car.  Both Nancy and I gave high marks to Spectrum Health for their efficient operation.

For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s.  I ordered a cod sandwich and Nancy had a pulled beef sandwich.  We drove home and ate the sandwiches at the kitchen table.

This evening we FaceTimed Debbie to wish her a Happy Birthday.  She had a lot of Happy Birthday calls from relatives.

We also talked to Missy on FaceTime.  LA has been a coronavirus hot spot so we told her to take precautions.  It might be several months before the CA kids can get the vaccine.

We are suffering from Impeachment news overload so we did not watch the evening news.  We did watch another episode of Virgin River.  After the show Nancy headed to bed and I finished the Detroit News and WSJ.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  The rain/snow had ended.   


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