Tuesday, January 12, 2021

January 11, 2021

Monday January 11, 2021

Blog time 1745 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  I had my day already planned out.  However, the best laid plans of mice and men are sometime ruined by the unexpected.

I have a 1420 appointment with my favorite dermatologist Dr Mary Yurko.  I called first thing to confirm the appointment.  Surprise! Dr Yurko had retired.  No one told me.  

Fortunately I was able to get an appointment with my former Dermatologist, Dr Stawaski.  Dr Stawaski will see me at 1450.  

I did my at home calisthenics and then drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  Fixed oatmeal at home and enjoyed my breakfast of oatmeal, bagel and coffee.  

Sunrise today is at 0810.  It was a cold 28 but Nancy headed out on her 3 mile morning walk after the sunrise.

I got out my super duper Bad Boy bike and my second surprise! I had a flat tire.  So I used my backup bike the Bianchi for the 5.33 mile ride to Y.

The Y was not crowded.  Where are the New Year’s Resolution folks?  I did my calisthenics and took a 1.5 mile walk.

The wind had picked up by the time I left the Y.  Tough ride home.  Total bike miles today 8.9 miles.

Now for some Good News.  Nancy has been working diligently to get us an appointment for the Coronavirus vaccine.  She succeeded.  She has her appointment on Thursday and mine is on Friday.  Way to go Nancy.

Spent time in office before lunch doing my morning reading.  Lunch and then headed to Dr Stawaski.  Waited 20 minutes but only 60 seconds in his office.  Dr Stawaski looked me over and said I was ok.  He did put some liquid nitrogen on several spots.  Next appointment in July.

This and that:

Things I miss during the lockdown:
Sitting in Panera drinking coffee and reading the news.
Nancy and I going out for dinner.
Dressing up and going to Church.
Going to concerts.
Being able to take a shower at the Y.
Traveling to CA to see kids and grandkids.

I am continually using hand sanitizers followed by a hand lotion. As a result my hands are very slippery.  I have to wear gloves to be able to hang on the chin-up bar.  Using my iPad’s touch screen is also difficult.

The riots at the Nation’s Capital dominates the news.  Was this an out of control riot or an organized insurrection?  No matter the reason,  serious jail sentences should be handed out to leaders.

Every day I have putting corn out for the deer.   3 to 5 usually show up between 1800 and 2200.

We have also been feeding the birds.  Three stations of suet are located on our back deck.  Recently put a feeder up on our garage.  It took awhile but the birds have finally found it.  I need to add more seed every day.

For dinner tonight we finished Saturday’s pizza.  Cold pizza is tasty.  

We watched the news on NBC and CNBC before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched an episode of Ray Donovan.  This is the last episode that is free to us.  We have to pay for additional episodes.  No luck on paying the show wasn’t that good.

29 degrees when checked the front yard this evening.  We are now locked into winter temperatures.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive health report plus the news that we have our first coronavirus shot scheduled.  

AJ and Nancy also talked today.

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