Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 18, 2021

 Monday January 18, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  Sunrise today is 0806.  I am looking forward to a 0700 sunrise.

Nancy has a early morning dental appointment.  She will do her walk later today.

Did the weekday calisthenics at home before heading to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Drank my coffee ate bagel and oatmeal for breakfast.

At 0830 I got out my winter Bianchi bike and headed to the Y.  Encountered a snow/rain mix which made riding difficult.  Climbing several hills I noted the back tire slipping.  Most difficult part of riding on snow covered paths is going downhill.  Have to make a special braking effort to keep bike under control.

Once again the Y was empty today.  Classes have not started yet at Y.  However MVP started classes today.  Attendance at Y will zoom as soon as classes start.

At home I showered and then spent time in office reading.  Lunch and then loaded up my Cannondale BadBoy and headed to Ada Bike.  Ada bike had to change a tire tube because the stem was too short.  I could not inflate the tire.  Tube replaced at no charge.  

After the bike store I headed to the office for some work.  Spent several hours checking bank accounts and reviewing some items for this year’s income tax.  

This and that:

Wednesday will be my 21st Presidential inauguration and the first that the outgoing President will not attend.  Shame on you Donald Trump.

We are having an extremely mild winter.  I am still riding my bike.  Snow fall is at a record low.

January and Mi is still having football playoffs.  No High School basketball yet.

I think one of President Biden’s first items of business is to get the schools opened.

Bad news on all fronts and yet the Stockmarket keeps humming along.  What gives?

We keep hearing horror stories about folks not getting shots.  Our experience has been the opposite.  We were pleased with the ease in getting a shot.  

Noted a lot of open water on inland lakes.  A lot of my High School friends spend the winter ice fishing.  Not much luck this year.

Northern Michigan wants to have a Wolf hunting season.  The wolf is now off the endangered list and is causing some damage to livestock herds.  I have never seen a wolf in the wild.  I have seen coyotes in our neighborhood.

In my youth we could not get fresh fruit in the winter.  All our fruit was canned.  Now our supermarkets have fresh fruits.  Most come from South America.

Monday night and we had our normal light dinner of Cheerios.  We watched some news before switching to Apple TV.

Tonight we saw an episode of Virgin River followed by Whitechapel.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Occupied.  

Melissa FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Light snow when I checked front yard at 2200.  Temperature will remain in 20s all night.  

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