Monday, January 18, 2021

January 17, 2021

Sunday January 17, 2021

Blog time 1450 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630. Looked outside and saw we had a rain/snow mix.  Temperature was 33.

First thing this morning we dressed and headed to Meijer’s.  Purchased our weekly supplies.  The store was not crowded.

Today was the 45th Sunday of live streaming church service.  After the service I checked the YouTube counter and over 300 folks were watching.

After church Nancy headed out on a 3 mile walk.  I headed down to the office and checked all our financials.  Everything was ok.

I spent most of the day in my office reading and writing blog.  I took time off for lunch, a nap and short walk to mailbox.

The news is dominated by the mob attack on the capital and next week’s inauguration.  Both news items have reach saturation.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a scone, spinach pie and sausage.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes and then episode 1 of Netflix show Bridgerton.  A very steamy show set in London during the early 1800s.  After the show Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of Occupied.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It was hot in LA and cold in GR.  It looks like late spring before anyone in CA gets their coronavirus shot.

Snow/rain mix when checked at 2200.  Another wet gloomy day predicted for tomorrow.

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