Friday, January 29, 2021

January 28, 2021

 Thursday January 28, 2021

Blog time 1750 sitting in office

Up at 0645.  Normal exercises at home before going to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home fixed my oatmeal to go along with coffee and bagel.

Today January 28 is Daughter, Melissa Scott’s birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY!

I remember Missy’s birth vividly.  It was at 0600 on a Sunday morning when Nancy told me her water broke and we better head to the hospital.  

At the time we were renting an apartment in Ann Arbor while I was attending Grad school at UM.  Our car at the time was a VW bug.  It was snowing hard when we left for ST Joseph hospital in AA.  The windshield wipers failed because of heavy snow build up.  Nancy was urging me to hurry so I rolled down the window and drove with my head out the window.  

We were greeted at the hospital’s emergency with a wheel chair and they immediately took Nancy away.  I parked the car and by the time I reached the emergency room Missy had arrived.  Both Missy and Nancy were doing fine.  Oh! the thing we remember!

After breakfast I drove to the Y.  No bike today because wind chill in single digits.  Noted more classes in session today.  The Y has some great spinning bikes.  I selected one and pedaled 3 miles.

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Today Nancy and I drove to Rivertown Mall in Grandville.  I wanted to visit the Eddie Bauer store.  I also stopped at Kohl’s and Barnes and Noble book store.  I purchased nothing.  

I had heard how depressing the Mall was because of recent store closures.  I did not see that.  I thought the Mall was bright, clean and despite some closures was very vibrant.

On our way home we stopped at Panera to get Nancy a coffee.  Also stopped at Harvest Breads so Nancy could buy her special bread.  We also bought a cookie that we split.

Lunch today was a toasted slice of sourdough bread with peanut butter, yogurt with Fiber One added, hard boiled egg, Ensure drink and an oatmeal cookie.  Very good.

Immediately after lunch I took an hour nap.  Finished the afternoon reading.

For dinner we had meatloaf with mashed potatoes.  Also a glass of prune juice and dinner rolls.

After watching the news and Jeopardy we switched to Apple TV.

Watched an episode of Blood on Acorn followed by Ted Lasso on Apple+ TV.  We like Ted Lasso.

It was clear and cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temps will drop to low teens tonight.

We Facetimed Missy today to wish her a Happy Birthday.  

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