Wednesday, January 13, 2021

January 12, 2021

Tuesday January 12, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0700 today.  Performed my at home calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  After breakfast I biked the 5 miles to the Y.

The Y was almost empty when I arrived at 1000.  Calisthenics and 1.5 mile walk.  Pedaled home with a strong wind at my back.

Shaved and showered.  Nancy and I made a dry run to the site where we will get our coronavirus shot.  It was well marked so we anticipate no problems on Thursday and Friday.

Lunch and then headed out for several errands.  First stop Macatawa Bank to find out how I can electronically send money to a California.  Very easy and the manager showed me how.

Next stop was Chow Hound.  I bought a 35# bag of corn and 15 # of bird seed.  At home I put out corn and stored the bird seed.

Spent time in office reading and writing blog.  Normally when Panera was open I would do this work in the morning while drinking coffee.

Congress and their impeachment actions are taking over the news.  News of the Coronavirus is playing second fiddle.

I am glad Nancy and I were able to get an appointment for the Vaccine.  In my lifetime getting the Polio vaccine was very important but the coronavirus vaccine overshadows it.

Nancy fixed a pasta dish for dinner.  We also had a great salad.

After the news we switched to Acorn and watched an episode of “Midsomer Murders”  we now have one episode left.  I never thought we would get through all 20 seasons.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us today.  We told them about our dry run to the vaccination center.  AJ also called Nancy this evening.

It was a mild 29 when checked out the front yard at 2200.  Mild weather through Saturday.  So far this has been a pussycat winter.


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