Wednesday, January 27, 2021

January 26, 2021

 Tuesday January 26, 2021

Blog time 1650 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  It started snowing about 0300 and now we have 3” on the ground.  I looked outside and told Nancy it was safe for her to drive to Woodland Mall to meet friends Carol and Kathy for a walk.  We both have all wheel drive vehicles and they are great in snow.

After calisthenics at home I drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  I had my Panera purchases with oatmeal and a banana.

After breakfast I drove to the Y.  More calisthenics and a mile walk.  I also rowed 1,000 meters.  I had planned on rowing 2,000 but after 1,000 meters my heart was racing so I quit.  My avg heart rate was 170.  I think having to wear a mask makes rowing difficult.

At home I showered and shaved.  Dressed and told Nancy I was home for the day.  Good choice because it snowed all day.

Today I shoveled the walk two times.  

Most snow removal companies have gotten in their winter grove.  Our drive was plowed twice and the Tahoe Road was cleared by 1400.  Good work.

The news is still dominated by the Coronavirus, President Biden’s EO and the weather.  I am tuned out.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Also sourdough bread and fruit.

We watched the news until 2000.  Together we watched NCIS on CBS.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Occupied on Netflix.  Checked the front yard at 2200.  It was 22 but the snow had stopped.

We FaceTimed with both Missy and Debbie tonight.  Everything ok.

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