Thursday, January 28, 2021

January 27, 2021

Wednesday January 27, 2021

Blog time 1715 sitting in office.

Up this morning with the 0600 alarm.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Quickly dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel.

After breakfast I completed my morning routine before firing up my iPad and switching to Zoom.  Breakfast Club starts at 0730 and I made it with no time to spare.

Today’s speaker was head of GVSU’s water institute.  He spoke on his previous job of working in South Florida with a local Water District.  The District was involved in cleaning up the Everglades especially Lake Okeechobee.  Very interesting!  A lot of money has been spent.  Engineering News Record seems to have a story every month on the trials and tribulations of this huge cleanup project.   The speaker had some great visual aids.

After BC I drove to the Y for some calisthenics and a short walk.  Today is my easy Wednesday so my calisthenics were at 50%.

This morning I also mailed AJ her birthday present.  At Meijer’s replenished my yogurt and Ensure supply.

At home Nancy showed me a txt from Steve.  Steve had read where a well known NBA Sports reporter stationed in Atlanta had recently died of the Coronavirus.  Steve saw stories of his passing on ESPN, Daily Mail and several other sports outlets. His name was Sekou Smith and he was from Grand Rapids.  Every summer the GR Tennis Patrons would run a tennis camp at MLK park.  Steve and Sekou were participants and became good friends.  Steve said he was a great guy.  

I had met Sekou at the MAC.  He told me he played defensive lineman for GR Central.  He was a year older than Steve.  What a shame.

Today being Wednesday I had my rope yarn chores to do, trash and laundry.  After lunch I took a mile walk.  Also found time for a nap.

The deer in our area must be very hungry.  I put out corn about 1700.  We see deer as soon as the sun goes down.  During the evening several deer are always looking for corn or taking a bite out of the Protein block.

This and that:

What is wrong with me?  I am mad at the City of San Francisco for changing the name of schools.  Names on the list to be changed are Presidents Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.  Also named were Paul Revere and Francis Scott Key.  Good grief they cannot even get the schools open but spend money on silly name changes.  Our Heritage is important.  Nothing is ever perfect but Lincoln and the others did the best they could for their citizens.  Shame on SF Schools.

The Unions supported President Biden in his election effort but now the President is killing well paying construction jobs.  The Democrat elites stick it to the working man.

For dinner tonight I had my standard Wednesday fare of a bowl of Cheerios with fruit and sourdough bread.  Every evening I also have a glass of prune juice.  Around 1730 I pour myself a glass of red wine to sip while watching TV.

Our Governor gave her State of the State address tonight.  We did not watch.  Instead we watched an episode of Virgin River on Netflix.

It was 20 when checked front yard at 2200.  Will drop to teens tonight.

Facetimed both Debbie and Missy this evening.  Everyone is sick of this lockdown.

My Sister texted this evening saying Don’s Doctor recommended they consider Hospice care.  Our hearts and prayers go out to them.  

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