Sunday, January 17, 2021

January 16, 2021

 Saturday January 16, 2021

Blog time 1240 sitting in office.

Slept in this morning until 0700.   Light calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee, bagel and oatmeal.  After breakfast Nancy mentioned taking a ride.  I readily agreed.

This morning we drove to Lake Odessa, Mi.  Lake Odessa has several large antique stores.  Every year on a February Saturday they have a big “Cabin Fever” sale.  We checked out the stores. They are still open so we will look forward to the February sale.  

On today’s drive we saw a lot of large prosperous farms all with beautiful farm homes.  Also noted many Trump signs but no Biden.  Rural Mi is Trump territory.  The hardworking farm folks have problems with left wing Politicians giving away their tax dollars to City folks.  

In addition to Lake Odessa we passed through Alto.  It was a pleasant drive.  Getting out of the house for several hours is very relaxing.

Lunch and then I put on my biking clothes.  Today the sidewalks were relatively dry so I wanted to take my BadBoy bike.  Surprise! the rear tire was flat.  2nd flat in two days.  This flat was caused by Ada Bike putting in a tube with a short stem.  Unable to get air into the tube.  

I took my winter bike.  Today I pedaled 8.25 miles.  Pleasant drive with temperature in mid 30s.  Encountered no critters.

While I was biking Nancy was doing laundry.  She also found time for a 3 miles walk.

At home I shaved my head and face before showering.  Took a short nap after the shower.

On the national news tonight they talked about the security preparations for Wednesday’s inauguration.  Thousands of troops and miles of fence.  A lot of gloom and doom conversation between reporters.  The Michigan Capital is also making expensive preparations for an anticipated  march on Lansing some time next week.  I sure hope the protestors get the message that any protests will be squelched immediately.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chili.  We also had coleslaw and croissants.

Tonight we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was so bad I cannot remember the name.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched an episode of Whitechapel.

Light snow when checked the front yard at 2200.  Rain/snow mix for tomorrow. 

Facetimed both Debbie and Missy tonight.  We reported everything ok.

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