Thursday, January 14, 2021

January 13, 2021

 Wednesday January 13, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

This morning I got up with the alarm at 0600.  Today I have Breakfast Club.  The meeting is the first time in a month.  Of course the meeting is on zoom.

After some light calisthenics I head to Panera for coffee, bagel and oatmeal.  Had breakfast sitting at the kitchen table.  Watched CNBC business news.  The Stock Market seems to be holding its own.  With all the bad news I would have thought it would tank by now.  

Today we had 21 BC members in attendance.  Once again our speaker did not show.  Actually yesterday she said she would not attend until she got paid.  We do not pay local speakers so she was told to buzz off.

We had a great open discussion this morning.  Several members had already received their coronavirus shot.  I think 100% of the membership will get the shot. We discussed when we will return to in person meetings with food.  General consensus was early May.

After BC I took an 8.5 mile bike ride.  90% of the trail was ice free.

This afternoon I took my BadBoy bike to Ada Bike to get a flat tire fixed.  It took 20 minutes.

Being Rope Yarn Wednesday I did a load of laundry.  Also gathered up the trash and took to curb.

Spent the remainder of the afternoon reading and writing blogs. No nap this afternoon.

All major networks including CNBC gave 100% coverage to the impeachment debate in House.  We did not watch.

I had a light dinner, Cheerios and blueberries.  For the past month I also have a big glass of prune juice with evening meal.  It works.

Watch some new tonight.  We did learn that the US House voted to impeach the President.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Virgin River.  We were both in bed by 2130.

Mid 30s temp when checked front yard this evening.  Temperature will stay in low 30s all evening.

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