Thursday, January 21, 2021

January 20, 2021

 Wednesday January 20, 2021

Blog time 1550 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  First thing I did were some light calisthenics before heading to Panera.  It was a cold 22 with an inch of new snow.  Looked great

Ordered oatmeal, bagel and coffee and headed home.  Every morning I use the drive thru at Panera.  When I go about 0800 no more than 3 cars are in line.  At noon the line is near ten.  I really dislike using the drive thru.  But during the pandemic I have no choice.  We must adapt.

We turned the TV on first thing this morning and every station was covering the inauguration.  Very interesting.  Most folks will miss the crowds and marching bands but having a new administration will be interesting.  Glad to hear that no militias were to be seen.

After breakfast Nancy started defrosting our freezer.  I helped empty the freezer.  It was cold this morning, 22, so we stored the food outside.  Nancy used a hair dryer to remove the ice buildup.  The total operation took about an hour.

Speaking of freezers during my youth no one had a freezer.  We keep the meat we got from my Grandfather in a frozen food locker located in downtown Alpena.  It was called the Alpena Sharp Freeze.  My mother use to send me down to the Sharp Freeze to get a steak or pot roast.  I disliked this task because the lockers were super cold.  The meat was store in a large room with many lockers.  You had to get a key from the front desk to get into the locker.  I usually had to empty the locker to get the piece we wanted.   I was super cold when I exited.  I mention the locker because in Saturday’s Alpena News was an article on the Sharp Freeze. 

No bike today but I did decide to walk at Woodland Mall.  I walked 1.75 miles.  After the walk I bought a Starbucks coffee and sat down and read the news on my iPad.  Very interesting, I cannot sit down at Panera and enjoy a coffee but I can at Starbucks in the Mall.  Doesn’t seem fair.  

At home I gathered up the trash and recyclables.  Started doing my Wednesday laundry.

This morning I decided to titivate the office.  I wanted to reorganize my desk.  Moved the TV off my desk and rearranged several baskets that hold incoming mail, scratch paper, and check books etc.  

While moving the TV I tipped over a book case.  While cleaning up I found a new cordless mouse.  I charged the mouse and it works fine.  

This morning while walking the Mall I passed the Apple store and was going to stop and buy a cordless mouse.  Must be my lucky day.

The first time I heard the word titivate was while stationed on Midway Island.  My boss LCDR Tinklepaugh would alway send me memos reminding to titivate my area.  I was known as Tinklepaugh’s Ensign.

LCDR Tinklepaugh was a great but hardnose boss.  He was what the Navy called a Mustang.  Meaning he came up through the enlisted ranks.  The sailors loved to sing the Mickey Mouse song using Tinklepaugh.  Try it.

Our classless ex President was the first ex President not to attend his successor’s inauguration.  Glad to see the inauguration went as planned with no protestors.  Joe Biden is now our President.  Good luck and God Bless.

Late this afternoon I took my iPad upstairs and sat in the den’s recliner.  Of course I immediately fell asleep.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two poached eggs and ham.  I had mine on a waffle.  Very good.

We watched the 1800 news on NBC before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched a movie on Netflix, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”.  I liked it. 

Talked to Debbie and Melissa on FaceTime this evening.  We reported that everything ok.

It was 24 when checked the front yard at 2200.  The temperature will increase this evening.  Morning temps above freezing.  What a winter!

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