Sunday, January 31, 2021

January 30, 2021

 Saturday January 30, 2021

Blog time 1520 sitting in office

Slept in today until 0700.  I did some light calisthenics before dressing and heading to Panera.  Today I got coffees, oatmeal and a bagel.  Ate breakfast at home.  Next week Panera will be open for breakfast.  

Nancy started the laundry and I filled up our bird feeders.  We both wanted to get out of the house so we took a short drive.

On today’s drive we headed east on Cascade Road to Alden Nash, north to M21, east to Saranac.  We drove around Saranac before getting back on M21 and heading home.

We did stop at Tractor Supply store in Lowell.  I bought a bag of special bird seed.  The drive took about 90 minutes.  It was great to get out of the house.

At home I took a 2.5 mile walk before lunch.  Nancy finished a load of laundry and then took a 3.25 mile walk.  Nancy wins.

Lunch and then headed down to office for some reading.  Read all the papers and finished yesterday’s blog and started this blog.

Not much in the news today.  My Mother always said no big new articles on Saturday.  They are saving it for the big Sunday edition.  I think Mom was right, as always.

We ordered out for dinner tonight.  Nancy called Brann’s and ordered a bowl of white chicken chili for me and a burger for herself.  At 1730 we drove to Brann’s to pick up dinner.  We ate at home.  Next week we will be able to sit down at most restaurants.

Tonight we watched a movie on Prime.  The movie was the “Bourne Ultimatum”.  I really liked the movie.  It was a guy movie.  Is that sexist?

Tonight we FaceTimed both Debbie and Missy.  CA has been having some much needed rain.  

It had just started to snow when I checked the front yard at 2200.  It is suppose to snow all night.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

January 29, 2021

 Friday January 29, 2021

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Up at 0630.  Calisthenics, dressed and drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  At home fixed oatmeal with banana to eat with my bagel.

It was 10 degrees early this morning.  Too cold to ride my bike.  I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics, mile walk and 5 miles on stationary bike.

At home showered and then errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to replenish my $2 bill supply.  Got my car washed and filled up.  Stopped at Chow Hound to buy bird seed and finally at D&W bought 1/2# of coleslaw for dinner tonight.

Quick lunch and then headed downstairs to do some reading.  Will also pay bills.

The Coronavirus is causing major problems in the EU.  On a per  capita basis the EU’s record of getting folks their vaccine is poor compared to the USA and UK.  

I hope the USA has plans to hold China in check.  China seems very aggressive towards Taiwan.  They think the rest of the world is distracted by problems with the virus.  Protecting Taiwan is in our national interest.

I really can’t figure the Game Stop stock controversy.  Don’t  understand shorts and longs.  I do know that my daughters are glad to see the small investor sticking it to the big hedge funds.  Are there any winners?

After I paid some bills I took time to walk to the mail box.  I finished the afternoon sitting in my recliner reading the WSJ.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup and a hot dog.  We also had rolls with coleslaw.

After the news we watched an episode of Bridgerton.  I think the show has become a chick flick.  Nancy loves it.

After Nancy headed to bed I stayed up and finished reading the WSJ.  It was clear and cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  

Today we FaceTimed Missy and later we were on a three way FaceTime with Debbie and Alessandra.  FaceTime is the great family connector.

Friday, January 29, 2021

January 28, 2021

 Thursday January 28, 2021

Blog time 1750 sitting in office

Up at 0645.  Normal exercises at home before going to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home fixed my oatmeal to go along with coffee and bagel.

Today January 28 is Daughter, Melissa Scott’s birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY!

I remember Missy’s birth vividly.  It was at 0600 on a Sunday morning when Nancy told me her water broke and we better head to the hospital.  

At the time we were renting an apartment in Ann Arbor while I was attending Grad school at UM.  Our car at the time was a VW bug.  It was snowing hard when we left for ST Joseph hospital in AA.  The windshield wipers failed because of heavy snow build up.  Nancy was urging me to hurry so I rolled down the window and drove with my head out the window.  

We were greeted at the hospital’s emergency with a wheel chair and they immediately took Nancy away.  I parked the car and by the time I reached the emergency room Missy had arrived.  Both Missy and Nancy were doing fine.  Oh! the thing we remember!

After breakfast I drove to the Y.  No bike today because wind chill in single digits.  Noted more classes in session today.  The Y has some great spinning bikes.  I selected one and pedaled 3 miles.

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Today Nancy and I drove to Rivertown Mall in Grandville.  I wanted to visit the Eddie Bauer store.  I also stopped at Kohl’s and Barnes and Noble book store.  I purchased nothing.  

I had heard how depressing the Mall was because of recent store closures.  I did not see that.  I thought the Mall was bright, clean and despite some closures was very vibrant.

On our way home we stopped at Panera to get Nancy a coffee.  Also stopped at Harvest Breads so Nancy could buy her special bread.  We also bought a cookie that we split.

Lunch today was a toasted slice of sourdough bread with peanut butter, yogurt with Fiber One added, hard boiled egg, Ensure drink and an oatmeal cookie.  Very good.

Immediately after lunch I took an hour nap.  Finished the afternoon reading.

For dinner we had meatloaf with mashed potatoes.  Also a glass of prune juice and dinner rolls.

After watching the news and Jeopardy we switched to Apple TV.

Watched an episode of Blood on Acorn followed by Ted Lasso on Apple+ TV.  We like Ted Lasso.

It was clear and cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temps will drop to low teens tonight.

We Facetimed Missy today to wish her a Happy Birthday.  

Thursday, January 28, 2021

January 27, 2021

Wednesday January 27, 2021

Blog time 1715 sitting in office.

Up this morning with the 0600 alarm.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Quickly dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel.

After breakfast I completed my morning routine before firing up my iPad and switching to Zoom.  Breakfast Club starts at 0730 and I made it with no time to spare.

Today’s speaker was head of GVSU’s water institute.  He spoke on his previous job of working in South Florida with a local Water District.  The District was involved in cleaning up the Everglades especially Lake Okeechobee.  Very interesting!  A lot of money has been spent.  Engineering News Record seems to have a story every month on the trials and tribulations of this huge cleanup project.   The speaker had some great visual aids.

After BC I drove to the Y for some calisthenics and a short walk.  Today is my easy Wednesday so my calisthenics were at 50%.

This morning I also mailed AJ her birthday present.  At Meijer’s replenished my yogurt and Ensure supply.

At home Nancy showed me a txt from Steve.  Steve had read where a well known NBA Sports reporter stationed in Atlanta had recently died of the Coronavirus.  Steve saw stories of his passing on ESPN, Daily Mail and several other sports outlets. His name was Sekou Smith and he was from Grand Rapids.  Every summer the GR Tennis Patrons would run a tennis camp at MLK park.  Steve and Sekou were participants and became good friends.  Steve said he was a great guy.  

I had met Sekou at the MAC.  He told me he played defensive lineman for GR Central.  He was a year older than Steve.  What a shame.

Today being Wednesday I had my rope yarn chores to do, trash and laundry.  After lunch I took a mile walk.  Also found time for a nap.

The deer in our area must be very hungry.  I put out corn about 1700.  We see deer as soon as the sun goes down.  During the evening several deer are always looking for corn or taking a bite out of the Protein block.

This and that:

What is wrong with me?  I am mad at the City of San Francisco for changing the name of schools.  Names on the list to be changed are Presidents Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.  Also named were Paul Revere and Francis Scott Key.  Good grief they cannot even get the schools open but spend money on silly name changes.  Our Heritage is important.  Nothing is ever perfect but Lincoln and the others did the best they could for their citizens.  Shame on SF Schools.

The Unions supported President Biden in his election effort but now the President is killing well paying construction jobs.  The Democrat elites stick it to the working man.

For dinner tonight I had my standard Wednesday fare of a bowl of Cheerios with fruit and sourdough bread.  Every evening I also have a glass of prune juice.  Around 1730 I pour myself a glass of red wine to sip while watching TV.

Our Governor gave her State of the State address tonight.  We did not watch.  Instead we watched an episode of Virgin River on Netflix.

It was 20 when checked front yard at 2200.  Will drop to teens tonight.

Facetimed both Debbie and Missy this evening.  Everyone is sick of this lockdown.

My Sister texted this evening saying Don’s Doctor recommended they consider Hospice care.  Our hearts and prayers go out to them.  

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

January 26, 2021

 Tuesday January 26, 2021

Blog time 1650 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  It started snowing about 0300 and now we have 3” on the ground.  I looked outside and told Nancy it was safe for her to drive to Woodland Mall to meet friends Carol and Kathy for a walk.  We both have all wheel drive vehicles and they are great in snow.

After calisthenics at home I drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  I had my Panera purchases with oatmeal and a banana.

After breakfast I drove to the Y.  More calisthenics and a mile walk.  I also rowed 1,000 meters.  I had planned on rowing 2,000 but after 1,000 meters my heart was racing so I quit.  My avg heart rate was 170.  I think having to wear a mask makes rowing difficult.

At home I showered and shaved.  Dressed and told Nancy I was home for the day.  Good choice because it snowed all day.

Today I shoveled the walk two times.  

Most snow removal companies have gotten in their winter grove.  Our drive was plowed twice and the Tahoe Road was cleared by 1400.  Good work.

The news is still dominated by the Coronavirus, President Biden’s EO and the weather.  I am tuned out.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Also sourdough bread and fruit.

We watched the news until 2000.  Together we watched NCIS on CBS.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Occupied on Netflix.  Checked the front yard at 2200.  It was 22 but the snow had stopped.

We FaceTimed with both Missy and Debbie tonight.  Everything ok.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

January 25, 2021

 Monday January 25, 2021

Blog time 1500 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0640.  Checked outside and it was cold, mid 20s but not much wind.  No snow today until 2200 tonight and then it will snow for next 24 hours.

Nancy decided today to do her walking at Woodland Mall.  She headed out at 0815.

After my at home calisthenics I headed to Panera.  Bought coffee and a bagel.  Fixed oatmeal to go along with the bagel and coffee.

Today I decided to bike to Y.  In fact the paths were in good enough shape that I added a mile on my ride to Y for a total of 7.

Today the Y had more folks than past Mondays.  The Y also had a large exercise/aerobics class on the basketball court.

I did my calisthenics and a mile walk.  The Y still does not provide towels for showers.  I, like most folks, now shower at home.

Got home about 1115, showered and dressed.  After Nancy and I got in Fusion and headed to Costco. Nancy had to pick up a prescription.  We made no other purchases.  Costco was not crowded.

At home quick lunch before heading downstairs to office.

This and that:

President Biden has lost his “moderate” credentials.  Some of his recent Executive Orders are right out of the far left playbook.  I disagreed with the Keystone pipeline and transgenders in military orders along with EOs dealing with use of Federal lands. I also don’t like his reliance on the Federal Government to solve problems.  The Federal Government compared to other Governmental units is incompetent.  I trust local Government employees more than Feds.

It looks like Panera will open for sit down customers next Monday.  Good news.

I have lost all interest in professional sports.  I don’t know how Mi teams are doing.  I do know the Chiefs and Bucs will meet in Super Bowl.  I won't watch.

How would we cope if the coronavirus pandemic occurred 70 years ago?  I think I would do a lot of reading, take a lot of walks and spent hours listening to the radio.

Several area school systems are talking about declaring tomorrow a snow day.  How can you have a snow day with virtual learning?  

In my entire K-12 school career I think we only had one snow day.  On that day I walked to school and was told to go home.

Heads should roll if the Capital Police told the National Guard to sleep in parking garage.  Another example of the Feds incompetence.

I did find time this afternoon for a short nap.  For dinner I had a bowl of Cheerios with blueberries.  Also split a blueberry muffin with Nancy.

This evening we watched the news until 2000.  We then watched an episode of Grantchester.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and finished reading the WSJ.

When checked the front yard at 2200 it was cold but snow had not yet started.  3-5” of snow expected overnight.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She also complained of Biden’s left leaning agenda.  Missy and AJ are doing fine.  


Monday, January 25, 2021

January 24, 2021

Sunday January 24, 2021

Blog time 1325 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  It was snowing and 24.

Fixed my oatmeal with banana to supplement the coffee and bagel.  After breakfast I brought up my iPad so we could watch Trinity Lutheran's virtual service on YouTube.  Recently over 1,000 members have been watching the weekly streaming services.

After church I pulled up today's GRP.  First categories read were the comics and obituaries.  Weird?

It was still snowing when I headed out on a walk at 1130.  Today I walked 2.34 miles in 58'31".  My mile pace was 24'55".  Really slow!

Lunch and then my regular Sunday afternoon nap.  After the nap I finished reading the GRP.  Headed downstairs for more reading on my iPad.

This evening Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a slice of ham and fresh fruit.

The football game knocked 60 Minutes off the air so we started watching shows on Apple TV.  First we watched an episode of Virgin River followed by Whitechapel.  Whitechapel is getting gloomy.  Nancy headed to bed.  I watched an episode of Occupied.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  Temp was in mid 20s.  The new snow cover makes night visibility better.  We can see the deer in our backyard eating corn.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She and AJ are doing ok.  The recent rain in LA is much needed.  


Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 23, 2021

 Saturday January 23, 2021

Blog time 1525 sitting in office

Up at 0700 this morning.  Checked the temperature and it was 13 with a wind chill in single digits.  BRR!

First thing, I did all my calisthenics at 50%.  Quick shave and then drove to Panera in bright sun for coffee, bagel and oatmeal.  No line today at the Drive Thru.

It was a beautiful winter’s day.  Cold but sunny.  Nancy bundled up and took a 3.25 mile walk.

I ran some errands.  At Macatawa Bank I replenished my stock pile of $2 bills.  Next I stopped at Chow Hound.  Bought a 35# bag of corn and a new  bird feeder.  I was going to get the Fusion washed but the line was too long.

At home I bundled up and took a 2 mile walk.  Beautiful day for a walk.  Today Nancy wins!  3.25 vs 2.

Lunch and then returned to office.  Spent time writing blog and reading the news.

This and that:

China seems to be taking advantage of the USA being distracted by the Coronavirus and our National political problems.  I sure hope President Biden turns his attention to foreign policy soon.  

Getting the vaccine to folks is not a problem unique to the USA. EU countries face similar problems.  I think Democracies which allow a lot of personal freedoms have problems dictating to their citizens.  No one likes being told what to do by politicians.

I am a recent subscriber to the Detroit News.  I like their coverage of sports and Michigan news.  It put the GRP to shame.

I sure don't agree with some colleges trying to censure or eliminate discussions on what old folks like me consider classics.  What is wrong with reading "Huck Finn" as it was written.  In fact several years ago "Huck Finn" was considered an American classic.  I reread it along with "Grapes of Wrath".

Along the same line several English Universities have taken Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales"  off their reading list.  Will things ever return to what I call normal?

I finished the afternoon with a short nap.  Tonight Nancy fixed tamales.  I also had fresh fruit and half a blueberry muffin.

We watched the news during dinner and then we switched to Apple TV.  The first show we watched was Bridgerton.

After Bridgerton we switched to A+ and watched an episode of Ted Lasso.  I like this show and give it an A.

Debbie and Missy called tonight.  CA is finally getting much needed rain.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  It was starting to snow.  Several inches of snow predicted by the time the snow ends tomorrow afternoon.    


Saturday, January 23, 2021

January 22, 2021

 Friday January 22, 2021

Blog time 1750 sitting in office

It was cold this morning with temperature at 19.  With a brisk wind the wind chill was in single digits.  I don’t ride my bike when temps or wind chills are in single digits.

Nancy also decided no outside walk this morning.  She left home at 0800 and headed to Woodland Mall for a 3 mile walk.

After my at home calisthenics I drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  Fixed my oatmeal and had a quiet breakfast.

After breakfast I changed my mind about driving to the Y.  I did my Y calisthenics at home.  I also rowed for 5 minutes.  I like rowing because it gets my heart rate up.  My average heart rate this morning was 136.  I decided that I will add rowing to my morning routine.  My goal will be 10 minutes.  Rowing will replace my mile walk at the Y.

After a shower I drove to Woodland Mall for a short walk.  After the walk I bought a coffee at Starbucks.  I sat at a table and did some reading on my iPad.  I really think that being able to sit and read in Woodland Mall but not in Panera is unfair.

Got home at 1300.  I had a quick lunch and headed down to the office where I remained until dinner.

The WSJ is not giving President Biden high marks for some of his Executive Orders.  I think a lot of EU members are hoping for the best from our new President.  I think he is predictable which is good.  No one could figure out what our former President would do next.

Rep Cheney from Wyoming and our new Rep from West Mi, Peter Meijer, think the President should be impeached.  They are getting major push back from some hard core Trump reps.  I agree with Cheney and Meijer.  If these hardcore Trump folks keep threatening moderates the GOP is dead.  I sure will change my party affiliation from GOP to Independent.  

For dinner tonight Nancy cooked pork chops in the crock pot.  Included in the pot were rice and onions.  Very good.

Tonight we watched a new series on Apple + , Ted Lasso.  Ted Lasso is a USA Football coach who is hired to coach an English Soccer team even though he is totally ignorant of the game.  We watched two episodes and I rated it an A.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched an episode of Occupied.  It is a Norwegian show.  I am hooked on Scandinavian shows.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We both gave a weather report.  CA wins.

It was a cold 24 when checked the front yard before turning in.  Temp will drop to low teens tonight.

I just proofed this blog and found five major mistakes.  Is it age or am I typing too fast?

Friday, January 22, 2021

January 21, 2021

 Thursday January 21, 2021

Blog time 1545 sitting in office.

I set the alarm this morning for 0630.  Nancy has an early eye doctor appointment so she needed time to get ready.

Morning calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and a croissant.  It was sunny and 34.

Despite snow on the walks I decided to take my bike this morning.  No problem on my 5 mile ride!

Once again the Y was empty.  Calisthenics and a mile walk before heading home.

Shave and showered and then Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco for supplies.  Costco was not crowded.

At home I took the Escape to get it washed.  Also got a fill up.  I forgot to check on gas prices.

Lunch and then headed downstairs to office.

This and that:

Checking in on Great Grandfather Sanborn living in Ossineke, Mi.  GGF made no mention of the inauguration of FDR on Jan 20, 1938. Temperature in Ossineke was in 20s all day.  GGF and GGM drove the Hubbard Lake to have dinner with my Scott Grandparents.

President Biden made several environmental executive orders that I did not agree with.  The most important was stopping the Keystone Pipeline.

We now are in the depth of winter with short cold days.  When in the 7th and 8th grade our class would always schedule a January or February sleigh ride. Local farmers would offer the rides.  The sleigh was a converted farm wagon with snow runners instead of wheels.  The sleight was pulled with two teams of horses.  We had thermos bottles of hot cocoa and plenty of wool blankets.  The rides were great fun.  I always wanted to sit next to the cute redhead.

My main winter activities while in school were playing hockey, going to movies, and dances after high school basket ball games.

I finished the afternoon with a short nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed chili and a hot dog.  Chili and hot dogs a great American meal.

Tonight we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle followed by an episode of Whitechapel.

Missy Facetimed this evening.  Everything ok in CA.

It was cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Noted our garage bird feeder was empty so I filled it.  Wind will increase and temperature will drop this evening.  Wind chills tomorrow morning will be in single digits.  BRR!


Thursday, January 21, 2021

January 20, 2021

 Wednesday January 20, 2021

Blog time 1550 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  First thing I did were some light calisthenics before heading to Panera.  It was a cold 22 with an inch of new snow.  Looked great

Ordered oatmeal, bagel and coffee and headed home.  Every morning I use the drive thru at Panera.  When I go about 0800 no more than 3 cars are in line.  At noon the line is near ten.  I really dislike using the drive thru.  But during the pandemic I have no choice.  We must adapt.

We turned the TV on first thing this morning and every station was covering the inauguration.  Very interesting.  Most folks will miss the crowds and marching bands but having a new administration will be interesting.  Glad to hear that no militias were to be seen.

After breakfast Nancy started defrosting our freezer.  I helped empty the freezer.  It was cold this morning, 22, so we stored the food outside.  Nancy used a hair dryer to remove the ice buildup.  The total operation took about an hour.

Speaking of freezers during my youth no one had a freezer.  We keep the meat we got from my Grandfather in a frozen food locker located in downtown Alpena.  It was called the Alpena Sharp Freeze.  My mother use to send me down to the Sharp Freeze to get a steak or pot roast.  I disliked this task because the lockers were super cold.  The meat was store in a large room with many lockers.  You had to get a key from the front desk to get into the locker.  I usually had to empty the locker to get the piece we wanted.   I was super cold when I exited.  I mention the locker because in Saturday’s Alpena News was an article on the Sharp Freeze. 

No bike today but I did decide to walk at Woodland Mall.  I walked 1.75 miles.  After the walk I bought a Starbucks coffee and sat down and read the news on my iPad.  Very interesting, I cannot sit down at Panera and enjoy a coffee but I can at Starbucks in the Mall.  Doesn’t seem fair.  

At home I gathered up the trash and recyclables.  Started doing my Wednesday laundry.

This morning I decided to titivate the office.  I wanted to reorganize my desk.  Moved the TV off my desk and rearranged several baskets that hold incoming mail, scratch paper, and check books etc.  

While moving the TV I tipped over a book case.  While cleaning up I found a new cordless mouse.  I charged the mouse and it works fine.  

This morning while walking the Mall I passed the Apple store and was going to stop and buy a cordless mouse.  Must be my lucky day.

The first time I heard the word titivate was while stationed on Midway Island.  My boss LCDR Tinklepaugh would alway send me memos reminding to titivate my area.  I was known as Tinklepaugh’s Ensign.

LCDR Tinklepaugh was a great but hardnose boss.  He was what the Navy called a Mustang.  Meaning he came up through the enlisted ranks.  The sailors loved to sing the Mickey Mouse song using Tinklepaugh.  Try it.

Our classless ex President was the first ex President not to attend his successor’s inauguration.  Glad to see the inauguration went as planned with no protestors.  Joe Biden is now our President.  Good luck and God Bless.

Late this afternoon I took my iPad upstairs and sat in the den’s recliner.  Of course I immediately fell asleep.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two poached eggs and ham.  I had mine on a waffle.  Very good.

We watched the 1800 news on NBC before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched a movie on Netflix, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”.  I liked it. 

Talked to Debbie and Melissa on FaceTime this evening.  We reported that everything ok.

It was 24 when checked the front yard at 2200.  The temperature will increase this evening.  Morning temps above freezing.  What a winter!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

January 19, 2021

 Tuesday January 19, 2021

Blog time 1945 sitting in living room

Boy did I sleep in today.  Did not get up until 0730.  Light snow with temp in high 20s.

Nancy this morning is meeting Carol Masten and Kathi Vance at Woodland Mall for a morning walk.

I did calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home fixed oatmeal with banana.  My normal breakfast.

It was 28 with light wind when I headed out on my ride to the Y.  At Y did my calisthenics with a mile walk.  The Y was empty.

At home shaved and showered before settling down to do some reading.  Quick lunch and then Nancy and I drove to Meijer Gardens.

The Gardens has just opened their new entrance.  It was a very impressive structure and will make a great first impression for visitors.  We took a short walk around the Gardens.

At home I headed downstairs to  write yesterday’s blog.  Also read the news.  At 1630 I took a short nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed lasagna with a scone and cottage cheese.  Very good.

We watched some news before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched another episode of Whitechapel.  After the show Nancy headed to bed and I finished reading the WSJ.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  Everything ok in CA and GR.

Light snow when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature was in 20s.  Snow tonight and tomorrow the high temp will mid 24.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 18, 2021

 Monday January 18, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  Sunrise today is 0806.  I am looking forward to a 0700 sunrise.

Nancy has a early morning dental appointment.  She will do her walk later today.

Did the weekday calisthenics at home before heading to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Drank my coffee ate bagel and oatmeal for breakfast.

At 0830 I got out my winter Bianchi bike and headed to the Y.  Encountered a snow/rain mix which made riding difficult.  Climbing several hills I noted the back tire slipping.  Most difficult part of riding on snow covered paths is going downhill.  Have to make a special braking effort to keep bike under control.

Once again the Y was empty today.  Classes have not started yet at Y.  However MVP started classes today.  Attendance at Y will zoom as soon as classes start.

At home I showered and then spent time in office reading.  Lunch and then loaded up my Cannondale BadBoy and headed to Ada Bike.  Ada bike had to change a tire tube because the stem was too short.  I could not inflate the tire.  Tube replaced at no charge.  

After the bike store I headed to the office for some work.  Spent several hours checking bank accounts and reviewing some items for this year’s income tax.  

This and that:

Wednesday will be my 21st Presidential inauguration and the first that the outgoing President will not attend.  Shame on you Donald Trump.

We are having an extremely mild winter.  I am still riding my bike.  Snow fall is at a record low.

January and Mi is still having football playoffs.  No High School basketball yet.

I think one of President Biden’s first items of business is to get the schools opened.

Bad news on all fronts and yet the Stockmarket keeps humming along.  What gives?

We keep hearing horror stories about folks not getting shots.  Our experience has been the opposite.  We were pleased with the ease in getting a shot.  

Noted a lot of open water on inland lakes.  A lot of my High School friends spend the winter ice fishing.  Not much luck this year.

Northern Michigan wants to have a Wolf hunting season.  The wolf is now off the endangered list and is causing some damage to livestock herds.  I have never seen a wolf in the wild.  I have seen coyotes in our neighborhood.

In my youth we could not get fresh fruit in the winter.  All our fruit was canned.  Now our supermarkets have fresh fruits.  Most come from South America.

Monday night and we had our normal light dinner of Cheerios.  We watched some news before switching to Apple TV.

Tonight we saw an episode of Virgin River followed by Whitechapel.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Occupied.  

Melissa FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Light snow when I checked front yard at 2200.  Temperature will remain in 20s all night.  

Monday, January 18, 2021

January 17, 2021

Sunday January 17, 2021

Blog time 1450 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630. Looked outside and saw we had a rain/snow mix.  Temperature was 33.

First thing this morning we dressed and headed to Meijer’s.  Purchased our weekly supplies.  The store was not crowded.

Today was the 45th Sunday of live streaming church service.  After the service I checked the YouTube counter and over 300 folks were watching.

After church Nancy headed out on a 3 mile walk.  I headed down to the office and checked all our financials.  Everything was ok.

I spent most of the day in my office reading and writing blog.  I took time off for lunch, a nap and short walk to mailbox.

The news is dominated by the mob attack on the capital and next week’s inauguration.  Both news items have reach saturation.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a scone, spinach pie and sausage.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes and then episode 1 of Netflix show Bridgerton.  A very steamy show set in London during the early 1800s.  After the show Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of Occupied.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It was hot in LA and cold in GR.  It looks like late spring before anyone in CA gets their coronavirus shot.

Snow/rain mix when checked at 2200.  Another wet gloomy day predicted for tomorrow.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

January 16, 2021

 Saturday January 16, 2021

Blog time 1240 sitting in office.

Slept in this morning until 0700.   Light calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee, bagel and oatmeal.  After breakfast Nancy mentioned taking a ride.  I readily agreed.

This morning we drove to Lake Odessa, Mi.  Lake Odessa has several large antique stores.  Every year on a February Saturday they have a big “Cabin Fever” sale.  We checked out the stores. They are still open so we will look forward to the February sale.  

On today’s drive we saw a lot of large prosperous farms all with beautiful farm homes.  Also noted many Trump signs but no Biden.  Rural Mi is Trump territory.  The hardworking farm folks have problems with left wing Politicians giving away their tax dollars to City folks.  

In addition to Lake Odessa we passed through Alto.  It was a pleasant drive.  Getting out of the house for several hours is very relaxing.

Lunch and then I put on my biking clothes.  Today the sidewalks were relatively dry so I wanted to take my BadBoy bike.  Surprise! the rear tire was flat.  2nd flat in two days.  This flat was caused by Ada Bike putting in a tube with a short stem.  Unable to get air into the tube.  

I took my winter bike.  Today I pedaled 8.25 miles.  Pleasant drive with temperature in mid 30s.  Encountered no critters.

While I was biking Nancy was doing laundry.  She also found time for a 3 miles walk.

At home I shaved my head and face before showering.  Took a short nap after the shower.

On the national news tonight they talked about the security preparations for Wednesday’s inauguration.  Thousands of troops and miles of fence.  A lot of gloom and doom conversation between reporters.  The Michigan Capital is also making expensive preparations for an anticipated  march on Lansing some time next week.  I sure hope the protestors get the message that any protests will be squelched immediately.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chili.  We also had coleslaw and croissants.

Tonight we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was so bad I cannot remember the name.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched an episode of Whitechapel.

Light snow when checked the front yard at 2200.  Rain/snow mix for tomorrow. 

Facetimed both Debbie and Missy tonight.  We reported everything ok.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

January 15, 2021

 Friday January 15, 2021

Blog time Saturday 1200 sitting in office.

Today is Debbie Scott’s birthday.  Happy Birthday Debbie.

I remember Debbies birthday clearly.  It was a Friday and Nancy called me at the office to say the Doctor recommend she head to the hospital.  Nancy and I headed to Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, Ca.  Nancy was admitted and then I headed to an all night grocery to cash a $100 check.  We had no insurance so we had to pay cash.  Yes folks only $100 for the delivery and hospital fee.  Things were different in 1966, thank God.  Debbie was born on Saturday January 15.  

I don’t know if it is ironic but Debbie spent most of her life in Mi and now lives in San Jose, Ca less than an hour from where she was born. She still considers herself a Midwesterner.

Today I got up at 0645.  At home calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  For breakfast I fixed oatmeal to go with the coffee and bagel from Panera.

This morning we had a rain/snow mix.  No bike today.  At the Y I did calisthenics and a mile walk.  Also rowed 1,000 meters on the Y’s rowing machine.  Rowing is a great aerobic exercise.  My watch’s rowing app said my average heart rate was 145.  

At home showered, dressed and rain several errand.  First stop was Cleaners to pick up shirts.  Also used Meijer’s Pharmacy drive thru to pick up my nose spray.

Lunch followed by some reading.  This afternoon I get my first Coronavirus vaccine shot.  It is scheduled for 1545.

We left home at 1430.  We have heard horror stories about long lines trying to get into the parking lot.  However, yesterday when Nancy got her shot we had no wait.  The same for today.  We had to wait in our car for an hour.  I was glad Nancy accompanied me because I dozed off waiting in the car.  

At one minute before my time I walked into the inoculation center and followed the arrows and answered the questions of the nice ladies directing me.  The shot was fast and painless.

After the shot I had to wait 15 minutes before heading to the car.  Both Nancy and I gave high marks to Spectrum Health for their efficient operation.

For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s.  I ordered a cod sandwich and Nancy had a pulled beef sandwich.  We drove home and ate the sandwiches at the kitchen table.

This evening we FaceTimed Debbie to wish her a Happy Birthday.  She had a lot of Happy Birthday calls from relatives.

We also talked to Missy on FaceTime.  LA has been a coronavirus hot spot so we told her to take precautions.  It might be several months before the CA kids can get the vaccine.

We are suffering from Impeachment news overload so we did not watch the evening news.  We did watch another episode of Virgin River.  After the show Nancy headed to bed and I finished the Detroit News and WSJ.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  The rain/snow had ended.   


Friday, January 15, 2021

January 14, 2021

 Thursday January 14, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Normal at home calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Today I cashed in some rewards so breakfast was free.  At home fixed oatmeal to go alone with my coffee and bagel.

We had some light mist last night that froze and created a thin coat of ice.  I was glad that I had steel studded tires on my bike. No problem on my 5 mile ride to the Y.  

The Y was again nearly empty.  I did some calisthenics and a mile walk.  The temperature was above freezing when I left the Y.  The ice was gone.

Kim cleaned today

This afternoon we are going to Spectrum vaccination center.  Nancy has a 1430 appointment to get her first shot.  I made a quick trip to Meijer’s to get the Escape filled up.  Also bought sub sandwich for lunch.  

At 1330 we drove to the center.  We had heard horror stories about how long the lines were at the center.  I took a paper copy of the GRP to read while Nancy was getting her shot.

However, Surprise! we did not have to wait.  We sat in car until Nancy got a text saying to enter the center.  She spent less than 30 minutes in the center.  Nancy gave the Center high marks for efficiency.

Back at home I took a short nap.  For dinner tonight we had chicken noodle soup.  It was very good.

A lot of news lately about our former Governor Rick Snyder being charged for his handling of the Flint Water problems.  I think it is politically motivated.  The Flint crisis was caused by civil engineers in the DNR failing to demand standard precautions when the City of Flint switched over to river water.  A Governor has to rely on his staff to provide reliable advise.  I do not blame him.  

Listened to President-elect Biden’s coronavirus recovery plan.  Some thing should be done but a trillion dollars is a lot of money.  Meticulous planning must be done so the taxpayer’s don’t get ripped off.  We don’t want prisoners getting millions of dollars in relief like what happened recently in Ca.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  It was very good.  

Tonight we watched the final episode of season 21, Midsomer Murders.  It was a great series.

It was raining when checked front yard at 2200.  Rain/snow mix predicted for most of tomorrow.

Today we FaceTimed with Melissa and her daughter Akerke.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

January 13, 2021

 Wednesday January 13, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

This morning I got up with the alarm at 0600.  Today I have Breakfast Club.  The meeting is the first time in a month.  Of course the meeting is on zoom.

After some light calisthenics I head to Panera for coffee, bagel and oatmeal.  Had breakfast sitting at the kitchen table.  Watched CNBC business news.  The Stock Market seems to be holding its own.  With all the bad news I would have thought it would tank by now.  

Today we had 21 BC members in attendance.  Once again our speaker did not show.  Actually yesterday she said she would not attend until she got paid.  We do not pay local speakers so she was told to buzz off.

We had a great open discussion this morning.  Several members had already received their coronavirus shot.  I think 100% of the membership will get the shot. We discussed when we will return to in person meetings with food.  General consensus was early May.

After BC I took an 8.5 mile bike ride.  90% of the trail was ice free.

This afternoon I took my BadBoy bike to Ada Bike to get a flat tire fixed.  It took 20 minutes.

Being Rope Yarn Wednesday I did a load of laundry.  Also gathered up the trash and took to curb.

Spent the remainder of the afternoon reading and writing blogs. No nap this afternoon.

All major networks including CNBC gave 100% coverage to the impeachment debate in House.  We did not watch.

I had a light dinner, Cheerios and blueberries.  For the past month I also have a big glass of prune juice with evening meal.  It works.

Watch some new tonight.  We did learn that the US House voted to impeach the President.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Virgin River.  We were both in bed by 2130.

Mid 30s temp when checked front yard this evening.  Temperature will stay in low 30s all evening.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

January 12, 2021

Tuesday January 12, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0700 today.  Performed my at home calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  After breakfast I biked the 5 miles to the Y.

The Y was almost empty when I arrived at 1000.  Calisthenics and 1.5 mile walk.  Pedaled home with a strong wind at my back.

Shaved and showered.  Nancy and I made a dry run to the site where we will get our coronavirus shot.  It was well marked so we anticipate no problems on Thursday and Friday.

Lunch and then headed out for several errands.  First stop Macatawa Bank to find out how I can electronically send money to a California.  Very easy and the manager showed me how.

Next stop was Chow Hound.  I bought a 35# bag of corn and 15 # of bird seed.  At home I put out corn and stored the bird seed.

Spent time in office reading and writing blog.  Normally when Panera was open I would do this work in the morning while drinking coffee.

Congress and their impeachment actions are taking over the news.  News of the Coronavirus is playing second fiddle.

I am glad Nancy and I were able to get an appointment for the Vaccine.  In my lifetime getting the Polio vaccine was very important but the coronavirus vaccine overshadows it.

Nancy fixed a pasta dish for dinner.  We also had a great salad.

After the news we switched to Acorn and watched an episode of “Midsomer Murders”  we now have one episode left.  I never thought we would get through all 20 seasons.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us today.  We told them about our dry run to the vaccination center.  AJ also called Nancy this evening.

It was a mild 29 when checked out the front yard at 2200.  Mild weather through Saturday.  So far this has been a pussycat winter.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

January 11, 2021

Monday January 11, 2021

Blog time 1745 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  I had my day already planned out.  However, the best laid plans of mice and men are sometime ruined by the unexpected.

I have a 1420 appointment with my favorite dermatologist Dr Mary Yurko.  I called first thing to confirm the appointment.  Surprise! Dr Yurko had retired.  No one told me.  

Fortunately I was able to get an appointment with my former Dermatologist, Dr Stawaski.  Dr Stawaski will see me at 1450.  

I did my at home calisthenics and then drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  Fixed oatmeal at home and enjoyed my breakfast of oatmeal, bagel and coffee.  

Sunrise today is at 0810.  It was a cold 28 but Nancy headed out on her 3 mile morning walk after the sunrise.

I got out my super duper Bad Boy bike and my second surprise! I had a flat tire.  So I used my backup bike the Bianchi for the 5.33 mile ride to Y.

The Y was not crowded.  Where are the New Year’s Resolution folks?  I did my calisthenics and took a 1.5 mile walk.

The wind had picked up by the time I left the Y.  Tough ride home.  Total bike miles today 8.9 miles.

Now for some Good News.  Nancy has been working diligently to get us an appointment for the Coronavirus vaccine.  She succeeded.  She has her appointment on Thursday and mine is on Friday.  Way to go Nancy.

Spent time in office before lunch doing my morning reading.  Lunch and then headed to Dr Stawaski.  Waited 20 minutes but only 60 seconds in his office.  Dr Stawaski looked me over and said I was ok.  He did put some liquid nitrogen on several spots.  Next appointment in July.

This and that:

Things I miss during the lockdown:
Sitting in Panera drinking coffee and reading the news.
Nancy and I going out for dinner.
Dressing up and going to Church.
Going to concerts.
Being able to take a shower at the Y.
Traveling to CA to see kids and grandkids.

I am continually using hand sanitizers followed by a hand lotion. As a result my hands are very slippery.  I have to wear gloves to be able to hang on the chin-up bar.  Using my iPad’s touch screen is also difficult.

The riots at the Nation’s Capital dominates the news.  Was this an out of control riot or an organized insurrection?  No matter the reason,  serious jail sentences should be handed out to leaders.

Every day I have putting corn out for the deer.   3 to 5 usually show up between 1800 and 2200.

We have also been feeding the birds.  Three stations of suet are located on our back deck.  Recently put a feeder up on our garage.  It took awhile but the birds have finally found it.  I need to add more seed every day.

For dinner tonight we finished Saturday’s pizza.  Cold pizza is tasty.  

We watched the news on NBC and CNBC before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched an episode of Ray Donovan.  This is the last episode that is free to us.  We have to pay for additional episodes.  No luck on paying the show wasn’t that good.

29 degrees when checked the front yard this evening.  We are now locked into winter temperatures.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive health report plus the news that we have our first coronavirus shot scheduled.  

AJ and Nancy also talked today.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 10, 2021

 Sunday January 10, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in downstairs office.

I am finally back.  Our internet went down December 31 and just came back on January 7, 2021.

We could not image how important the internet is in our life.  No streaming service like Netflix.  No online shopping or banking and of course no email.  I have online subscriptions to the WSJ, Detroit News, Alpena News, and GRP and missed reading them.  We are tied to this electronic monster.

However, we did survive with some positive results.  I got caught up on my reading.  I read a year’s backlog of Time and Fortune magazine.  Cleaned out my office of old magazines and spent more time reading books.  We both exercised more.  I visited the Y every week day and Nancy usually walked 5 miles.

We were not entirely without internet.  Nancy and I would drive to Panera get a coffee and sit in their parking lot and use their internet to download our email.  Occasionally we would also drive to the Cascade Twp library and sit in the car and use their internet.  

A lot has happened during my sabbatical.  The Coronavirus got worse, our President self destructed and the nation is in a bad mood.  However, I am an optimist and know that cooler heads will prevail.  We must remember that Jesus preached that forgiving and forgetting should be a guiding principle in our lives.

During the absence winter has finally set in.  We had one measurable snow and a lot of gloomy days.  Morning temperatures were below freezing.  I could not ride my bike for about 4 days.

However, the past several days we have had sun.  Sun lifts our spirits.  The sidewalks have been cleared so I can ride my winter bike.  

Every afternoon I put our corn for the deer.  Usually three deer show up.  I also have several bird feeding stations.

Today we got up at 0700.  The temperature was 21.  I headed to Panera to get our morning coffee.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast and then set up my iPad so we could watch the Trinity Lutheran streaming service.  

After church I read some of the GRP and then took a 2.5 mile walk.  Nancy also took a walk but it was 3.5 miles.  Nancy wins.

Tonight Nancy will fix her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I will have mine with sausage.

Our evening activities will be to watch 60 Minutes and then an episode of either “Queen’s Gambit” or “Ray Donovan”.  

Usually Debbie and Missy FaceTime us every evening to check on our health.  Our course I will check our front yard at 2200.