Thursday, November 7, 2019

Wednesday November 6, 2019

Wednesday November 6, 2019

Blog time 1150 at Panera:

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with 0515 alarm.  Dressed, took Ms P out, stopped at Panera for coffee to take with me to BC.

The temperature was 27 with light snow when headed out.    The weather folks say it will be an all day snow with some accumulation.

Good crowd at Breakfast Club.  The theme for BC was Veteran’s Day.  Several patriotic poems were read.  A local singer and piano player was on the program.  We said the Pledge and then listened to a short program on the song “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “John Brown’s Body”, etc.  Enjoyable.

Stopped at the Y on my way home.  Did my normal routine at 50%. 

At Meijer’s picked up a prescription and some supplies for our up coming trip to Ca.  I even started packing.

Nancy headed out for her shift at the Gardens.  It is snowing and cold so don’t think many folks will visit.

Activities for rest of day:

Continued packing
Put recharged bike lights back on my Cannondale Bike (Bad Boy)
Took out trash
Load of laundry
Nancy got home at 1630 and I fixed our apple snack.

This and that:

Good grief: Xerox is proposing taking over HP.  I have never owned a Xerox product but have owned plenty of HP items.  I loved their hand held calculators with RPN.  In fact I use to buy all my new employees a HP calculator.  After getting use to the RPN they agreed with me that HP was the best.  Have also owned their computers and survey instruments.

Impeachment, impeachment dominates the news.  Enough already.

The UK’s political scene is more polarizing and nasty than the US.  That is saying a lot.  Not good for any democracy.

The Turkey, Syria and Kurd situation is very confusing.  The only thing I can take away is that Syria’s Assad regime is bad, bad.

Everyday I look at the headlines in the Alpena News.  The declining population in NE Mi is saddening especially as it relates to the schools.  Young folks are leaving because of lack of jobs.  Who knows the answer?

We had a light dinner followed by the after dinner snacks.  Watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to a crime show on Acorn, Commander.  I stayed up and watched Borderliner a Norwegian show.

Temperature in mid 20s tonight with snow.  Will need my winter bike tomorrow. 

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