Thursday, November 28, 2019

Tuesday November 26, 2019

Tuesday November 26, 2019

Blog time 0950 sitting in living room.

I was first up this morning, 0630.  Took Ms P out and then headed downstairs and quietly did my morning calisthenics.

After a shower I headed to Panera and got Nancy and Bob a take out coffee.  One of the employees of Panera is from Gaylord so I asked her if she knew my sister, Helen.  She did.  She was also in the same class as Helen’s granddaughter Paige.

I stopped at laundry and picked up my shirts.  This morning I am taking Alessandra and Debbie to breakfast.  However, it is now 1000 and they are still sleeping.  Travel must be tiring.  

Everyone had breakfast at home.  Nancy fixed Alessandra her world famous cinnamon toast.

Our activities for the rest of the day included.

Stopped at Costco got mashed potatoes, Cheerio, wine and of course a pumpkin pie.  One customer left with 120 pumpkin pies.  Every shopping cart had at least one pie.

Next stop Sam’s Club only bought two UM tee shirts.

We had lunch today at Yesterdog.  Yesterdog was Steve’s favorite eatery during high school.  He was always telling Steve how good the hot dogs were.  Actually the hot dogs were very good.

For dinner we ate at another favorite GR eatery Russ’s.  I had a chili bread bowl and the three women had chicken rice soup with a side.  All very good. 

Busy first day in GR for Debbie and Alessandra.

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