Saturday, November 16, 2019

Friday November 15, 2019

Friday November 15, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Got up at 0400 and Ms P followed me.  I took her out to do her bidness.  I hope this is not a new pattern.

Temperature in mid 20s this morning.  Nancy headed out at 0730 for a class at MVP.  After breakfast I walked to the Y.  Too much snow and ice to take a bike.  It is a 1.8 mile walk.  Dark and gloomy!

At the Y did calisthenics and a walk.  The calisthenics were performed at 60% of normal.  This morning I weighed myself and low and behold I had lost weight.  How could this happen? I went off my diet and did not exercise for a week.  Showered before walking to Panera.

Like the Y, Panera was not very crowded.  Are all the folks Deer hunting.  In my high school days the boys got three days excused absences for deer hunting, nothing for the girls.   I read in today’s Alpena News that schools are closed today for opening day.

Speaking of Alpena schools, the District lost money from the State because they have less than six students per square mile.  Since when is density a criteria for funding.

The impeachment hearings continue.  More grandstanding Politicians babbling.
How long will the riots go on in Hong Kong before the Army steps in?

Will the upcoming UK elections have a major impact on BRexit?

Tomorrow is the big UM/MSU football game.  During my youth Mom and Dad would place bets on the game.  If UM won Dad would do the dishes for a week, etc.  Mom was an UM grad and a big fan.  Dad went to MSU.  Of course the bets were all in good fun.  Good memories.

Kim cleaned the house today and it looks great.  Quick lunch before heading to the Apple Store.  I just purchased a GPS type speedometer for my bike.  I had to use a QR code to get it programmed and was confused in how to use it.  The nice young lady at the Apple Store solved my problem in seconds.

Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.  For dinner we finished the chicken pot pie left over from Book Club.

This evening we watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Acorn.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.

Ms P has been having some stomach problems.  Luckily she does her bidness on the kitchen tiles.  Easy to clean up.  We are changing her diet until her problem goes away.  We made her sleep in the kitchen tonight.  Of course Ms P is in her 90s (people years) so we don’t get mad at her.  

Bright orange moon tonight.  It was in the low 20s when we turned in.

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